Chapter 19

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Alazai's pov
I walked over to where Ulyssa and the girls were. I grabbed a cup and filled it with beer and chugged it down. Ulyssa looked at me and said
"Damn girl, chill."
"Sorry, I'm kinda pissed off." I said rolling my eyes.
"Why?" Asked Diana.
"Jose, he's mad because I'm going to prom with Ricco."
"He needs to chill his balls. Y'all aren't dating or anything. He has no reason to be mad at you. He's with Anahi, shouldn't  he be worrying about her and who she sleeps with instead of worrying about you." Said Alexis.
I looked at her and raised an eyebrow.
"Who she sleeps with?" I said.
"Yeah, Geo slept with her to make me jealous, but it didn't work. He went me pictures of him and her in bed. He also sent me a video of her sucking his dick. I saved all of them just in case you know, for a moment like this." She said.
"Let me see them." I said.
She took out her phone and she showed me the pictures and video.
"Oh my god!" I said laughing.
"She's such a hoe. That's so fucked up she's doing that to Jose." Said Ulyssa.
"Don't say anything about this guys, I don't want to ruin anything." I said.
The girls nodded and I headed over to where Ricco was.
We talked for a while and we danced. We had fun and before I knew it the day had already flew by.
I was sitting down on the back of geos truck with Ricco.
He looked at me and smiled.
"I had an amazing night with you today."
I smiled and said "I had a good time with you too."
He leaned in and our lips touched. He put his hand on my cheek and he started to kiss me. His lips were so soft and honestly he was a great kisser. We started to makeout and he slid his tongue inside my mouth. I felt butterflies in my stomach, it was a strange,but good feeling.
Frimzy's pov
I was with some of my boys drinking a few beers and having a good time. I walked over to go get another beer and I saw Alazai and Ricco making out. I dropped the cup on the ground and I went over to them. I wasn't drunk, but I was a little buzzed.
Alazai's pov
Ricco broke the kiss and he just smiled at me.
"Hey bro what the fuck, leave her alone!" I heard someone yell. I looked over and it was Jose. He was walking towards us.
Jose pushed Ricco and Ricco just said.
"Yo chill. You're drunk."
"Nah fuck you! Why you messing with Alazai like that!" Yelled Jose.
Jose tried to swing at Ricco but he missed and fell. He tried to get back up, but geo and Sam grabbed him and held him back.
I stood in front of Ricco and I was so mad. Jose tried to come at Ricco again but I pushed him back and I yelled.
"Stop fucking worrying about me Jose! Worry about your bum ass girlfriend who's out here fucking other guys and sucking their dick!" It just slipped out I couldn't help it. I looked over at the girls and Ulyssa and everyone else looked shocked. Ulyssa grabbed her cup and just sipped it. This was going to end up being the tea of the year.
Please comment your thoughts below. And do you guys think frimzy will forgive Anahi? And btw if you guys wanna add me on snapchat my snapchat is- brittney_1215

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