Chapter 73

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Frimzy's  pov
I wanted to see Alazai, just to make sure she was okay.
I walked over to her room and she was just laying down on the bed.
Alazai's pov
I was just laying down on the hospital bed when all of a sudden I heard someone come in. I looked over and it was Jose.
"Hey." I said.
"Hey, how you doing?" He asked.
"Well, I'm good I guess. Did they tell you about the baby?" I asked.
He stayed quiet for a moment.
"Yeah, they did." He said.
"I'm going to keep this baby Jose. I don't plan on doing anything to harm my babyboy." I said.
He just smiled and gave me a hug.
"I know. I wouldn't want you to either." He said.
I'm glad Jose didn't take the news that bad. A person is a person no matter what disability they may have.
"You know we both gotta go back to school tomorrow. That's gonna suck." I said.
He laughed.
"Yeah I know, but we've already missed so many days. We got to get back on our game."
"Did I tell you that I got accepted into Texas A&M?" I said.
He looked at me and he smiled.
"Are you serious! I'm so proud of you!" He said while hugging me.
"Well, I'm not gonna go. It's just not in my plans anymore." I said.
His smile faded away and he just looked at me.
"Alazai what do you mean? You have to go."
"Jose I'm not gonna go! Just accept it. I don't want to go." I said.
He shook his head and he just said
"Then I'm not going to Oklahoma."
"Stop. You're gonna go. You have too Jose, you promised me." I said.
"You know what let's just not talk about this anymore." He said.
He got up and walked out of the room.
I knew he was mad at me for not accepting the offer, but I had to focus on my baby.
Next day
They discharged me from the hospital late last night which I was happy about. I hate hospitals.
My alarm went off and I took a quick shower and got ready for school.
Once I was ready I walked downstairs. Frimzy was sitting down on the couch on his phone.
I sat down next to him and I put my head on his shoulder.
"Are you still mad at me?" I asked.
"I can't be mad at you for something you don't wanna do. I understand your decision mami. I'm not gonna force you to go." He said.
He kissed my forehead and he said
"Come on let's go."
We pulled up to the school and I went straight to my locker.
When I closed my locker I saw Ulyssa running towards me.
"Bro. Guess what!" She said out of breath.
"What?" I asked.
"Anahi is back!" She said.
Wait what?
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