Chapter 76

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Alazai's pov
I got into the car and we headed home.
"What did Ricco want to talk to you about?" Asked frimzy.
"He wants me to baptize Abigail." I said.
"But I don't know what to say. I mean I want to baptize her, but I feel like I'm not gonna be a good god mom."
"Well, I think you'll make a good god mom. You have to have confidence babe. Don't put yourself down." He said.
I smiled.
I decided to baptize Abbigail. Me and Ricco were good friends, and I knew he would want me to see his little girl grow up.
We finally got home and I went upstairs to change.
I came back downstairs and Jose was sitting on the couch.
I sat down next to him and I said
"Babe I know you miss your friends. I know you want to go out and do something fun. Why don't you go out tonight?"
He looked at me and said "really? You'd let me do that?"
I nodded and smiled.
"Yeah. I know these past couple of weeks have been tough on you."
He gave me a hug, and he said
"Thanks babe."
He went upstairs and I just sat down and turned on the tv.
I knew this whole thing was hard on him. He needed to go out for a change. He still had to live out his life.
Frimzy's pov
I went upstairs and I got ready. I texted Sam, geo, Ricco, and my old friend otrix.
They all agreed to go. We were gonna go to a club in downtown called illuminate.
Once I got ready I waited for a text from Sam. He was the one who was gonna pick me up.
My phone went off after a few minutes. It was a text from Sam.
I said bye to Alazai and I left.
We picked up the rest of the guys and we all headed to the club.
"Damn bro I haven't gone out like in forever." Said Ricco.
"I know man same. It's been a min." I said.
It took us about twenty minutes to get to the club. We parked the car and we headed inside. We had to wait in line for about five minutes, but I didn't mind.
We finally got in and the club was pretty nice in my opinion. We all grabbed a couple of drinks and we danced.
1 hour later
After an hour or so, I was out of it. I was drunk as fuck. I haven't drank in a while so I got tipsy pretty fast.
This girl came up to me and she started to grind on me. I didn't mind it though. I danced with her and before I knew it, we were making out. That's the last thing I remember.
Alazai's pov
It was already getting really late, I was starting to worry. It was already 4:20 in the morning and frimzy still wasn't home. I blew up his phone with texts and calls, but he didn't respond to any of them.
I sat in the living room for a while longer and the door opened.
I got up and it was frimzy.
He was drunk.
"Oh hey babe." He slurred.
He tried to hug me but I backed away.
"Jose you're drunk. Stop." I said pushing him away.
"Babe chill I'm I'm not drunk."
As he tried to hug me again I noticed her had hickeys on his neck.
What the fuck I thought.
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Confused: Frimzy and Itsriccotho fanficWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt