Chapter 32

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Alazai's pov
Ricco came out of the restaurant and he went over to where I was.
"Babe are you okay?" He asked.
"Can we just leave now. Tell your dad I'm sorry." I said.
"But babe co.."
I cut him off.
"I wanna go home."
He went back inside and I waited in the car.
Ricco came out after a few minutes and we drove home. I was quiet the whole ride back. I wasn't mad at Ricco, I was mad at the fact that his ex girlfriend ruined the whole night.
We finally got to ulyssas house and I got out of the car. I didn't say anything to Ricco.
I unlocked the door and all the lights were off. No one was home.
I went upstairs to my room and I texted Jose. I wanted to know if he was okay.
Me - hey. You good?
Jose- well, I'm at the hospital right now. I passed out earlier and my mom found me. They're doing tests on me right now.
Me- what hospital hoe. I'm coming right now.
Jose- lol I'm at saint Joseph hospital.
Me- On my way.
I changed into some sweats and a hoodie, I wanted to be comfortable because hospitals were just ugh.
I grabbed my car keys and I headed over to the hospital.

I finally got to the hospital and I went up to the front desk, and asked for Jose.
They told me his room number and I headed up to his room.
No one was in the room when I walked in, it was only Jose laying down on the bed. When he saw me he smiled.
"Hey." He said. I went over to him and I gave him a hug.
" I remember the last time we were in this situation. You were all beaten up and I stayed here with you. Then I found out you had a crazy girlfriend." I said laughing.
"Yeah I know. I really appreciate you coming to check up on me." He said.
"Well I'd be a shitty person if I didn't. I know you've been a real asshole to me, but I forgive you." I said smiling.
"Are you serous? Why?" He asked.
"Well for one. You were a great friend when we were friends, and plus it's not your fault you acted like that."
He looked at me and he just started to cry.
I hugged him and I laid down with him.
"Don't cry you little pussy, if you cry then I'll cry." I said.
He laughed and he just wiped his eyes.
This was the Jose I missed, the loving and caring Jose.
I'll update tomorrow so please comment your thoughts below❤️ let's see how many comments we can get.

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