Chapter 64

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Alazai's pov
I didn't want to ruin riccos family moment so I decided it was best for me and Ulyssa to go.
"Well, we're gonna go ahead and leave, let me know if you guys need anything. I'll see you guys at school." I said.
I gave everyone a hug and me and Ulyssa left.
We got into the car and Ulyssa looked at me.
"You good?" She asked concerned.
I couldn't lie to her, she was my best friend.
"I don't know. Seeing Ricco and mya so happy makes me like sad, I don't know why. Maybe it's because that's what I want for me and Jose you know. I want us to be happy, but that won't happen because he has to go off to college in less than six months." I said.
"Don't say that, watch you'll be happy just like them. You just gotta keep your faith." She said.
I didn't really have any hope for me and Jose, I knew he wouldn't want to waste his college career for some kid.
Frimzy's pov
I had to talk to my mom about what I would do with Alazai and the baby. It was already march and I had to go to college in September.
I walked downstairs and my mom was sitting down on the couch watching tv.
I sat down next to her and she said
"Oh hey mijo."
"Hey, mom. Do you think we can talk?" I asked.
"About what? Ay no don't tell me you're having another baby." She said all dramatic.
I laughed.
"No mom, I'm not. I wanted to talk about my future, you know how I'm gonna do college and raise my baby."
"Well mijo, I don't know what to tell you. It's your life and I think you're old enough to make those type of life decisions."
"Yeah mom I know, but I don't want to leave my baby alone and just go off to college. I want my baby to be able to have her dad around. I don't want the baby to grow up like I did. You know what I mean?" I said.
"Mijo listen. You're having a baby, and you know that, but you also have to focus on school so you can be able to have a job to support this baby. I know it's gonna be hard, but you gotta stay positive. The best thing to do is go to school and keep Alazai close. If I have to move down there to Oklahoma to keep Alazai and the baby closer to you I will. I want you to focus on school. I don't want you to stress about anything else, Alazai and the baby will be fine. I promise."
"Thanks mom." I said.
I went over to give her a hug and she just said
"No problem baby, and you better not be getting any more girls pregnant. I know the girls want you or whatever but think with your brain not your little friend down there." She said laughing.
I just laughed and went back upstairs and waited for Alazai.
Alazai's pov
I finally got home and Frimzy's mom was cooking dinner.
She looked over at me and said
"Hey mija, you hungry?"
"Yes, I'm starving. This baby always wants to eat." I said laughing.
"Yeah, that's gonna happen. The foods gonna be ready in a few. Jose is waiting for you upstairs." She said.
"Okay, and I have an appointment tomorrow, it's to see if I'm having a boy or a girl. I really want you to come." I said.
"Don't worry mija I'll be there." She said smiling.
I went upstairs with frimzy and when I walked into the room he was folding the laundry.
"Hey." I said while walking to the bed.
He kissed my cheek and said "hey baby, how was your day?"
"Well good I guess. Ricco had his baby and it was a girl." I said.
"Oh that's cool." He said
"Yeah, are you excited for tomorrow?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'm really hoping it's a boy." He said smiling.
"Same, I want a baby boy." I said.
He put up the laundry and he came over to me. I was sitting down on the bed and he got on his knees in front of me.
He grabbed my hands and he looked straight into my eyes.
"Baby girl, I promise I'm gonna take care of you and this baby. No matter what happens, I won't ever leave you two alone." He said.
I started to cry and he wiped away my tears.
"Don't cry, you can cry tomorrow when we find out what we're having." He said smiling.
I just smiled. I couldn't wait for tomorrow.
Next day
We all woke up early and we got ready to go to the doctor.
Frimzy's mom started the car and we headed out.
When we got to the hospital I checked in and they called me right away.
We walked into the room and waited for the doctor.
After a few minutes the doctor walked in.
"Hey Alazai, I'm doctor Shaw, and I'll be taking a look at you today." She said.
The doctor lifted up my shirt and started to do the ultra sound. She moved the little stick around and she said
"Well, looks like you're having a baby boy! Congratulations!" She said smiling.
I looked at frimzy and he was just in tears. His mom had her hands over her mouth and she just couldn't stop crying.
I was so happy, I couldn't wait to have this baby.
Please comment your thoughts below and let's get 10 comments❤️ and what are some good boy names? Please comment!

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