Chapter 86

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Alazai's pov: the next day
I woke up and I got ready for school. I took a quick shower and I got dressed. I walked downstairs and frimzy was already waiting for me in the car.
We got to the school and we went to class. Right when I was about to walk into first period, but for some reason I walked to the principals office.
I knocked on his door and I said
"Can I come in?"
"Yes ma'am come in." He Said.
"So what's the reason for your visit?" He asked.
"I'll accept the offer from Texas a and m. I thought it through, and I want to accept it." I Said.
I didn't know what I was doing, but it felt right.
"Well alrighty then, I'll let the university know."
"Thank you." I said.
By the time I was done talking to the principal it was already time for second period.
I walked in and I sat in my usual spot.
Ulyssa turned around and she said
"You see that girl over there?" She pointed to the girl who was sitting near the window.
"Yeah, what about her?" I asked.
"That's Caroline. She's new and I heard that's riccos new girl candy." She said smirking.
"Woah really, she's so pretty." I Said.
"I'm gonna go talk to her."
I walked over to her desk and she looked at me like if I was crazy.
"Hey, I'm Alazai. You're Caroline right?" I Said.
"Yeah, that's me." She said.
"How do you know my name?"
"Well I heard you're kinda dating one of my friends. You know Ricco right?" I Said.
"Oh yeah, well we're not "dating" but I really like him. He's really sweet." She said.
"Yeah he's pretty nice. He's a good guy." I Said.
"Well I'm gonna go, I'll talk to you later." I Said.
I walked back over to my desk and I just chilled.
End of the day:
Me and Jose were driving home when I decided to tell him what I did today.
"I accepted the Texas a and m offer I got." I Said.
He looked at me and he pulled over.
"What!" He Said.
"Well because you're going to Oklahoma and I want to study. I want to go to school, I don't want to be held back just because I'm having a baby. It's already mid April and we only have a few more weeks of school. I want to do something after graduation." I Said.
He sighed.
"I understand. If that's what you want I'm not going to stop you."
I gave him a slight smile and i Said
We continued to drive and we were about ten minutes away from home when my phone went off.  It was a call from the rehab center.
"Hello?"  I answered.
"Is this Alazai Gonzalez?" They asked.
"Yes? Why"
"I'm sorry to tell you this over the phone ms Gonzalez, but your brother Jayden, was found dead in his room earlier today. He suffered from a gunshot wound to the head. We believe he committed suicide."
My eyes started to water, my mouth got dry, I could feel my whole body shaking. My brothers dead....
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