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Here I am going to say one thing... this episode says about Kaalagjana's character through a convo between two persons...as this is necessary one for upcoming episodes...in coming episodes you witness her character which shows her another shade completely differs from her present.... y and for what purpose she changed herself ?...the answer for dis question will come in future episodes...so plz read it ..dont get furious ....and do comment ..if u want to scold me for that also ur welcome..plz few more episodes ..hv patience to know her relation with Oberois.

When she stepped out from d car near d runway....Mukuljee came farward and greeted her....she nodded her head in acceptance.....she reached d jet followed by Rosy nd Mukuljee.

Before she get in ...she turned towards Mukuljee nd told him as

Kaal: Mukuljee....thanks for making arrangements quickly... d office work.. here .. luk after with d help of Mr.Kunal....Rosy is also coming with me..so u inform Miss.Ruby nd handover Rosy's work to her.....in emergency don't avoid to contact me...nd look after d needs of d maids... haan one more thing...transfer d amount of 5 lakhs to Mr.Khadir's account with in one hour.

After seeing his acceptance for her orders she stepped into the jet along with Rosy....the jet started its journey towards India .... She closed her eyes nd relaxed in her seat.

Her mind rewinding d incidents that happened years before.

In India

Next Generation Exports nd Imports



The name on d board is sparkling with the rays of d rising Sun which were busy in enquiring the wellness of d Earth with its loving touch.

A smile appeared on the face of the man who stood behind d glass window enjoying dis beautiful scene ...just then he was disturbed by a call which came from Mukuljee....hearing the information from otherside a joyfull smile appeared on his face which dominated d previous one....he cradled d phone nd immediately make a call.

A multi-storied building indicating its address as

Next Generation Exports nd Imports

Head Branch


In d rising Sun..the name on d board proudly showing its identity by sparkling itself.

A person received d phone....displaying d Delhi Head-quarters Number.

From Otherside: Mr.Nandan...finally Madam coming to India...she want to stay in Mumbai for few days...so make all d arrangements for staying there...her security is our first priority..so do d arrangements with in few hours as she already started from Paris...so make d arrangements as quick as possible...

Nandan: (with an uncountable happiness)Mr.Kumaran..r u sure?

Kumaran: yes..Nandan..just I received a conformed call from Mr.Mukuljee...she may arrive at any time...and one more thing she is visiting India on some personal grounds...after a long period of 6 years she is coming here..(with a sad tone ) i never forget that day when she handover the responsibilities of d two offices to me nd left India...from that day to till dis day she is managing all d things related to d business from there only without visiting India. As this visit completely her personal phirbhi I think she will also manage d business throughout her stay...so make d all arrangements keeping all these things in mind. U all know very well about her nature...once again I remind u as her looks are more dangerous than her words nd her calmness creates more disaster than her scolds..so be carefull..

Nandan: I know sir..we didn't see her personally till dis day..but we all witnessed her angry as well as love too. Don't worry sir..i will look after her all needs personally throughout her stay..almost he promised him as he knew about Kumaran very well bcz he is also one of d most important persons to Kaalgjna.

After disconnecting d call he announced d same news to d staff..the office climate totally changed after hearing dis news about their Madam's visit nd stay in d city....nd with joy they all started making arrangements for their Madam.

After a long journey she was disturbed by Rosy's call bcz she totally lost in her thoughts as she didn't noticed d jet's landing.

Rosy: Maam.. we reached.

Kaalgjna...taking a deep breath she observed d surroundings..and stepped out from d jet...and moved towards d car parking lot.

When she reached her car she was greeted by Mr.Khadir and Mr. Nandan nd a person of nearly 30 yrs of age who stood behind Nandan very attentively nd carefully observing d surroundings .

She received their greetings with a smile nd make a sigh to Nandan looking at d guy as who is dis guy....Nandan understood her signal nd came 2 steps farward nd told as

Nandan: Maam ..he is Ali..from now onwards he is ur personal security as well as ur driver throughout your stay . He stay in ur farm house where we hv arranged accommodation with all d facilities...

Kaal: (with an authoritative voice)Nadan..i didn't need any security nd also I know driving..y did u do dis without my permission....by d way this is purely my personal visit..

Nandan: Maam..wtever d visit..ur safty is our first priority...waise he is d grandson of Ahmad chacha..bcz of dis I appointed him as ur personal security...

Hearing Ahmad chacha's name her voice completey transformed from authoritative to soft nd turned to Ali nd enquired as

Kaal: how is chacha Ali?

Ali who witnessed her transforming shades...he recollected his chacha's words who told him about her in d afternoon before he left from home....he answered her question as

Ali: he is fine Maam.....I will ask him to meet u later.

Kaal: no no..its not correct to ask him..i will meet him when I'm free...saying this she get in d car along with Rosy nd Mr.Khadir ...seeing towards Nandan she said to him as

Kaal: don't worry...I wil inform before my visit to our office..inform dis to our staff..nd be in touch with Rosy.

saying dis she smiled smoothly..hearing dis a happy smile covered his face...seeing dis she waved her hand to Nandan......nd at d same time she signaled Ali to start d car.

The car started its journey towards Oberoi Mansion(OM).

Kaalagjna looked at Mr. Khadir who sat in front seat.

He undertood her intention nd handovered a file to her..saying

Khadir: here is d file which hv all d information including minor things about the Oberois...and he added.... the another information will get ready in next 24 hrs..maam saying dis he took a leave from her nd got down d car in d mid way.

Kaalagjna looked at d file nd felt her heart beat skipped a while ...she opened d file with almost shivering herself...tears rolling down without her permission..

Rosy looked her condition in a shock as she never see her like dis before....she put her hand on Kaalgjna's hand nd pressed it smoothly to cool down her emotions..

Kaalgjna is always Kaalgjna...she immediately gathered herself with in seconds nd wiped out her tears ...opened d file ....read all d content without missing even a minor thing throughout her journey to OM.

She completed d file before d car entering into d gate of OM

After completing file... a lovely smile appeared on her face....Seeing her smile..

Rosy: (in her mind ): I never understood d character of dis Angel Devil.

EK NAYI SHURUVATH..... ZINDAGIKA ISHQBAAZ Fan Fiction(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now