Chapter 16: Triple Idiocy

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When All is Lost, One is Found

Author: Rinoaebastel

Chapter 16: Triple Idiocy

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and gain no profit from this fanfiction other than writing practice. Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling.

AN: This story may contain scenes taken from the Harry Potter movies and books, but it's not exact dialogue, just rewording of dialogue or omission. It is not marked.

June 1994

He opened his eyes and immediately regretted it as the dust around him swirled and the room spun. He forced them to stay open and tried to move into an upward position. A metallic taste coated his tongue. It was blood. He must've bit his tongue when he lost consciousness.

What in the seven circles of hell happened?

When he tried to move again, this time forcing himself to sit up, a sting shot through his head from the back all the way to the front. He braced one hand on the floor to make sure he didn't fall over, and then blinked a few times as if it would help the spinning.

No one was around. Why was he in the shrieking shack? He gave in and closed his eyes. It was as if that action brought forth what happened earlier. He wasn't sure how earlier though.

"Shit," he muttered. That idiotic child. He'd been trying to save those brats and Potter attacked him. Where were they now? Did Black take them?

He opened his eyes again, relieved that the reeling had eased somewhat, and got to his feet. He immediately placed a hand against a wall just in case. It wouldn't do for him to fall over and knock himself out again.

Licking his lips, he took a step forward, grunting as his knee threatened him with a steady ache. He ignored the pain and went towards the exit, not caring about the massive hole in the wall. Maybe the cause was another spell of Potter's. He sat at the edge of the trapdoor and slowly climbed down. He needed to find them.

The tunnel's silence made his senses focus even more. The walk back seemed longer than it was when he was coming here. Granted, at the time he hadn't been injured.

He forced his steps to quicken when he heard a male scream. He rushed forward, climbing up the hole, the dirt and stones, and twigs scarring his hands and gathering under his nails. When he got out of the hole, he saw the three students in front of them, terror on their faces. They were hugging each other, with Weasley between Potter and Granger.

He took a step toward them but froze upon hearing a rumbling growl, a growl he still heard in occasional nightmares. He twisted around and spread his arms to cover the children.

His nightmare was there in his true form. It was there with salivating tongue and dripping fangs. The smell of wet dog came to his nostrils.

The amber eyes fixed on him, but he steeled his nerves and refused to budge. He was unsure if his refusal to move was foolish bravery or cowardice not allowing him to move. He was the lost prey that it wanted to devour.

The animal raised his paw and claws slammed into his chest, making him fall backward. He felt the hit against the rocks in his back more than the embedding of claws.

His ears registered Granger's scream and then another growl.

"No!" Potter's voice made him reach out. He tried to grab him to keep him from rushing forward.

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