Chapter 139: Howler

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When All is Lost, One is Found

Author: Rinoaebastel

Chapter 139: Howler

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and gain no profit from this fanfiction other than writing practice. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

AN: This story may contain scenes taken from the Harry Potter movies and books, but it's not exact dialogue, just rewording of dialogue or omission. It is not marked.

February, 1999

In the history of Hogwarts never had there been so many owls arriving at breakfast. He raised an eyebrow at how his plate was covered with letters. His little pet owl was beside his tray staring as if upset that it couldn't get any of the food due to their invasion.

He looked over at Hermione and saw her plate was in the same state of chaos. The students at her table were helping her clear them. When it began, the owls sometimes dropped the letters in the wrong places, and the students were taking them up to him. Later, as the students saw him tossing the letters, they began to do so as well. As a result, several piles were littering spaces beside the tables. Minerva would occasionally vanish them when a pile got too big.

He looked down at the Prophet and almost released a growl. The front page was covered with a picture he didn't even know had been taken. He and Hermione were walking side by side, a glance being exchanged. There was nothing incriminating about it and it looked like nothing more than two friends going for a stroll.

He didn't even remember this situation, but he knew that it wasn't from this year due to his gaunt appearance, lack of facial hair, and longer hair. Perhaps it had been when he had taken her under his wing as an ally. He noticed the look in her eyes as she stared at him. It was clear that she had cared for him sooner than he'd thought she had.

He folded his newspaper and looked at his colleagues. Other than some admonishments toward those sending the letters, there was nothing negative said. They supported him, also throwing away the letters that landed on their plates if they didn't belong to them.

It was odd to have so much support from the entire school when the rumors in the media were terribly degrading and false. He reasoned that after everything that happened, the students were used to the defamation done against people using the media.

Something else hit his plate and he looked down. What the hell? An older teen magazine was there, his picture at the corner with a headline under it: Hot Older Men: Teacher Edition.

"Sir, I think that's my friend Riri's mail," a voice said.

He saw Miss Dutchess standing before him. He picked up the magazine and handed it to her. "Obviously."

She bowed. Thank you, sir."

When she started to walk away, he stopped her. She turned, looking confused. "Tell me, what does "hot" mean in that context?"

"Oh, it means sexually attractive," she said, unfazed by the question.

He knew he'd lost some of the color in his face. The students had said he was hot, and now this magazine. Was the world going mad?

"Thank you, Miss Dutchess."

"You're welcome, sir," she said and headed to Miss Bastel, who was waiting nervously at the Great Hall's exit. Her face lit up when Miss Dutchess handed her the magazine. A look of panic came over her when Miss Dutchess whispered something. She dragged the mortified looking Hufflepuff out of the hall.

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