Chapter 20: Back to a Double Life: Part 2

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When All is Lost, One is Found

Author: Rinoaebastel

Chapter 20: Back to a Double Life: Part 2

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and gain no profit from this fanfiction other than writing practice. Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling.

AN: This story may contain scenes taken from the Harry Potter movies and books, but it's not exact dialogue, just rewording of dialogue or omission. It is not marked.

August 1995

The summer was as horrid as he'd expected, and having Sirius Black seated in front of him now reminded him of all those years of suffering. It was icing on the cake of having to deal with the Dark Lord while double spying.

"So tell us, Severus. How was your meeting with the Dark Lord?" Dumbledore's voice made him turn his eyes away from trying to burn a hole into Black's skull. "Did you have any problems?"

His voice was as cold as his expression. "No," he said, lying. The dark lord had bestowed upon him, and a few others, a cruciatus torture that lasted for hours. "The Death Eaters, as I expected, are wary of my return, but Dark Lord accepted my explanation." Dumbledore nodded. "They won't let me in the more private meetings unless the Dark Lord requests my presence, and he hasn't since his return."

"So you are useless as always." Sirius's intervention made him turn his eyes back at the dog. He didn't hold back his hatred toward the mutt.

His nerves were still shaking due to the Dark Lord's "welcome," so it was especially difficult to keep from casting that curse himself onto the mutt.

He might be powerless now, but he knew the Dark Lord would start calling for him again.

Convincing his master had been an awful task but he had managed to twist the orders the monster gave to him long ago, and use them to his benefit. He had never stopped being a spy. He had collected information and he was inside of Hogwarts, gaining Dumbledore's trust. He made the Dark Lord give him the benefit of a doubt.

Besides, he knew that the Dark Lord needed any support he could get and wouldn't deny anyone "loyal" enough to come back to him.

"At least I go out and do something, mutt."

"Quiet, both of you," Dumbledore interrupted. "Severus, you know your position is important. Be cautious and continue as you are. We can't have you let your guard down now, my friend."

"It won't happen, headmaster." The mutt snorted. His temptation to hex him increasing to the point he had to grab a cup of tea to keep from grabbing his wand. "Do you need to say something or did you choke on a raw chicken bone? Maybe you should go for a plastic toy next time." He leaned forward. "And some of them squeak!"

Sirius's smile disappeared.

"If there is no more need of me, I'll be going. I have some work to do."

"Back to your little potions?"

Snape smirked. "Why, Sirius, someone has to make the spray to keep you from defecating in the house."

Dumbledore sighed. "Be careful out there, Severus."

He placed his cup on the table and stood. The headmaster knew that he should let him go before the mutt attempted to kill him. Besides, he knew that the Death Eaters were monitoring each other and it was better to stay visible for them. He'd do his usual at Hogwarts. Brewing, gathering ingredients, and cursing the heat as he walked to Hogsmeade once per week.

He hoped he could gather information soon to help, but he dreaded that he'd have to become an active participant again. He wasn't sure if he could destroy another soul for the greater good.

But whether he was prepared or not didn't matter. He needed to fall into the darkness to give the others a chance to destroy it.

When he closed the door behind him, he let a long breath escape from his lungs.

Still holding the door handle, he rested his head on the wood, fixing his eyes at the top of the dark stairs. He found a pair of brown eyes looking back at him.

He'd forgotten that the Granger girl was here.

It was disturbing that she saw him like this. Saw his vulnerability.

This girl should try to stay safe with her muggle parents. If she were caught during this war, her death would be particularly tortuous since she was a muggle-born.

She was only there because she was Potter's friend, and once again, a spark of admiration of her loyalty flashed in him.

Dropping his hand from the handle, he straightened. He turned only letting her see his back, as he walked towards the door.

AN: Well... what can I say? They don't like each other much but I always imagined Severus had a cruel dark humor so... XDDD Okay, hope you liked it and leave me on the comments your thoughts. Next chapter will be on 5th. I have some issues and I still don't want to overwhelm with notifications.

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