Chapter 62: Apparating

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When All is Lost, One is Found

Author: Rinoaebastel

Chapter 62: Apparating

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and gain no profit from this fanfiction other than writing practice. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

AN: This story may contain scenes taken from the Harry Potter movies and books, but it's not exact dialogue, just rewording of dialogue or omission. It is not marked.

February, 1997

The students around him were exhausted and disappointed with their lack of success. Their instructor wasn't incompetent by any stretch and the instructions he gave to the students were well spoken, but he neglected to mention that no one ever achieved apparating on the first try.

He was amused at watching the students' prides disintegrate, but that didn't mean he wanted to watch. If Pomfrey hadn't practically begged him to come in case an accident occurred, he wouldn't be here. It was Slughorn's duty, but she'd implied a lack of faith in him. That was understandable after what had happened with Weasley.

When he heard another student yell out of frustration, he rolled his eyes. After a heavy sigh, he looked at Granger and saw amused brown eyes looking at him. She laughed and smiled at him. That smile faded seconds later as she threw her focus back into apparating. She failed

"That will be all for today. I'll see you next week. Don't fret, you will get it eventually," the instructor said.

"I wish to speak with you Miss Granger," he said as the students and his fellow instructor left the Great Hall.

"Yes, sir," she said.

They left the Great Hall and made their way outside. He reached into his robe, pulled out the scarf she'd made him, and wound it around his neck.

"How was your first apparition class?"

They began a leisurely pace, staying closer to the building and out of the sight of most of the windows.

"You were there," she said.

"I was, but I only saw you fail once, whereas I was exposed to the others failing several times. Also, I want to know your thought process through doing it."

"I see. Well, it's frustrating. I understood the directions, but without any experience with the feeling, it's hard to grasp how to apparate."

As usual, she made perfect sense. He often wondered why teachers didn't let the students experience it before teaching it. He stopped and she stopped with him, their arms brushing. The inappropriateness of what he thought about doing crossed his mind. It wasn't inappropriate because he was a teacher, but because it was him. Or at least it would seem that way to most.

Other teachers wouldn't have second thoughts of offering if asked. This was why he waited for her after that class. But the other professors knew he was helping her with something, so that made it slightly less of an issue.

"We are going to remedy that. Come with me."

From the corner of his eye, he saw her confusion but ignored it and started walking once again, faster this time. He waited for her when he reached the iron fences of the school.

He placed his hand on the metal and waited until the magic registered his status as a professor and opened the gate.

"What are you...?"

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