Chapter 128: Hogsmeade Trip

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When All is Lost, One is Found

Author: Rinoaebastel

Chapter 128: Hogsmeade Trip

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and gain no profit from this fanfiction other than writing practice. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

AN: This story may contain scenes taken from the Harry Potter movies and books, but it's not exact dialogue, just rewording of dialogue or omission. It is not marked.

November, 1998

If the coolness in the autumn air was any indication, this winter was going to be one of the coldest Hogwarts had ever seen. Though the sun shined brightly, the heat was weak, typical for this time of year. But he would not complain. He would relish in this fall, and in the upcoming winter. He was alive to see another winter, and he couldn't have been happier. This would be one where he wouldn't have to keep his guard completely up when walking through the undisturbed white environment.

"It's bloody frigid!" a student said. He looked out at the students in line. Some were bundled up as if winter had already set down on them. Others acted as if the chill were a tiny inconvenience. He glanced at Hermione walking nearby. She was bundled up similarly to the way she'd been during their encounters in the snow. She shivered so often that he wanted to wrap her up in his cloak and get her inside as soon as possible.

She probably would've come over herself had they not been with the students. And there were much more students than he expected. The students adored Lupin so if Minerva or someone else had come along instead of himself, he wouldn't have been surprised at the number. Usually, when he was in charge of the trips, it dissuaded most of the students from coming.

This morning the students had shown up early. Almost all of them said good morning to him, and some even inquired about assignments. Some even asked questions about things they didn't understand from other classes. And he'd answered them the best he could. In things he thought they should research, he suggested texts where they could find the answers. And he actually found himself enjoying it. The fear wasn't needed as much as he'd long thought.

But had he really thought that, or was he just being a big bully? Was it a little bit of both?"

A bump to his side caused him to jolt both physically and out of his thoughts. He looked to his side and saw her looking confused with her hands on his forearm. He looked past her and saw Potter quickly look away, a small smirk on his lips.

"Miss Granger, perhaps you should focus some of your studies on learning how to walk properly and the importance of personal space."

She jerked away. "I'm sorry, sir." She glared over her shoulder at Potter for a moment before turning back to him. "It seems the crowds like to hurry me along. It won't happen again.

"Apology accepted, but be wary in the future."

She bowed. "Yes, sir."

He raised an eyebrow, impressed at her act. She'd let her hands linger a bit longer than she should have before she backed away.

When they arrived at the wooden sign that indicated the entrance to the village, he turned. Before he could speak, Lupin said, "Meet here in five hours, I will be patrolling the main path of Hogsmeade so if you need anything report to me."

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