Chapter 129: Corridor Confrontation

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When All is Lost, One is Found

Author: Rinoaebastel

Chapter 129: Corridor Confrontation

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and gain no profit from this fanfiction other than writing practice. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

AN: This story may contain scenes taken from the Harry Potter movies and books, but it's not exact dialogue, just rewording of dialogue or omission. It is not marked.

November 1998

He waved his wand to re-clean all the empty tables in his classroom. Despite his students doing so as well, he saw some missed stains. He would have to stress to students that a deeper and more thorough cleanse was necessary from now on and he'd be docking points if it weren't done.

His hand halted in its movements when he reached the last table.

"Come on, Hermione, you have to go see the Quidditch training I'm doing. Your question to Snape isn't that important," he said.

He could hear it clearly from where he was standing, and he'd know the whiny lilt anywhere. He remained where he was. He hadn't known Hermione was coming down today, but figured the reason for it was the red-haired fly that was pestering her.

Didn't the boy know his friend at all?

"For me it is, Ronald. And you should address him as Professor Snape. He deserves respect." Hermione's harsh response, made him curve his lip.

"You can't be serious." Weasley huffed. "All his tolerance and helpfulness this past year is just an act. He's just waiting to strike."

"What in the bloody hell does he have to strike at?" she snapped, and then sighed. "Just go away, Ron."

"You know, you've changed, Hermione. I think that boyfriend of yours is brainwashing you."

He lowered his hand but the grip on his wand didn't relax.

She had just matured and become a woman. Weasley was just an idiot that refused to mature himself. "I am different, and I'm proud of that. I have different priorities now."

"You liked to spend time with us before. Merlin, now you even spend more time with the bat here."

"Who I spend time with is none of your business. Harry has no issue what I'm doing. Neither does Ginny. And Professor Snape helped me when I needed it. He showed me how to cope. It was more than you tried to do. You vilified and shunned me."

"You don't owe him anything," Weasley said, ignoring her dig at him.

"Oh? And I suppose I owe you?"

"Yes, because I love you."

Silence. His rage stopped for a moment at the moronic statement. Even though the boy had an excellent example of what love was in the form of his parents, he had a poor understanding of it overall. And Hermione didn't owe anyone.

"I told you I don't see you that way."

"But everyone expects us to be together. It's Ginny and Harry, and me and you."

"This isn't a novel, Ronald. I don't owe anyone love. That has to be earned."

"And I haven't earned it?"

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