Chapter 70: Amortentia

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When All is Lost, One is Found

Author: Rinoaebastel

Chapter 70: Amortentia

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and gain no profit from this fanfiction other than writing practice. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

AN: This story may contain scenes taken from the Harry Potter movies and books, but it's not exact dialogue, just rewording of dialogue or omission. It is not marked. All dates will not directly match with the books.

March, 1997

His class waited in silence with their eyes focused on him. The mystery of what waited for them today would soon be revealed. He'd taken measures with a scent-inhibiting spell to make sure he wouldn't be affected today. The last thing he wanted was to remember the smell of his lost love and end up poisoned with memories of her.

He extended his arm to the blackboard and waved his wand revealing the instructions.

The students all gasped.

"Before you say anything, Miss Granger, I know it's illegal but this is a special class." His voice lacked of malice unlike in the earlier years. "I have special permission to teach this potion." He glared at the Slytherin. "As long as it does not leave this class." The boy tensed.

"Is that clear?"

"Yes, sir," they all said.

"Amortentia." He named the potion with a bored voice. "The most powerful love potion and the most dangerous potion overall if it falls into the wrong hands. You can imagine what makes it so dangerous."

"Yes, sir," they all said again.

He nodded once. "Begin your work."

He knew Hermione and the Ravenclaw wouldn't try to sneak out the potion, so he'd keep his focus mainly on the Slytherin after they finished. For now, he would have to keep every ounce of his attention on their techniques. This could go wrong in several ways.

He watched as the students added their ingredients. The vapors emerged from the pots, creating a light pink mist in the air. Thankfully, it wasn't enough to make one fall with fake affections. It was enough, however, to bring forth a bit of giggling from all three students. He was glad he'd blocked his sense of smell. It would be humiliating if he let their potion affect him and started giggling himself.

His students stirred, chopped, and did every single step with perfection that made him proud to be their teacher. He had to admit he was with the best students. Yes, there were a few others he wished were there, mostly Ravenclaws and Slytherins, but he actually enjoyed this trio. There was no goofing off and very little worry on his part that they would do something else dangerous.

His eyes moved to the clock. They should be finishing the concoctions soon and, from what he could see, they appeared to be on time.

"Ten minutes."

The students remained calm unlike the other classes who would've rushed the mixtures and eventually mess them up.

Hands moved, adding the lasts touches, the last ingredients. The fumes turned a hue between pink and purple. The students quickly covered the cauldrons instead of giving in to their curiosity about what smell was underneath the lid.

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