Epilogue: Greasy Bat

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When All is Lost, One is Found

Author: Rinoaebastel

Epilogue: Greasy Bat

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and gain no profit from this fanfiction other than writing practice. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

AN: This story may contain scenes taken from the Harry Potter movies and books, but it's not exact dialogue, just rewording of dialogue or omission. It is not marked.

September, 2004

A brief gust of wind blew against the groups of old and new students as they headed toward Hogwarts. The wilderness remained the same in the past five years. The forest still teemed with dangerous creatures, with yellow eyes gazing at the humans and sounds disturbing the peace ever so often.

Hundreds of square lights popped in the distance, as if their owner, Hogwarts itself, were a giant stone lighthouse attempting to extinguish the dark evening.

The castle loomed in the air. As they grew closer, the new students strained their necks trying to figure out just where the towers ended as they stretched into the night sky.

They wanted to stop, but they didn't dare. If they'd had, the students behind them would've pushed them. Hagrid told the new students to stop as the older students passed them, following the routine they'd grown used to.

Then Hagrid herded the new students through the gates. They began ascending a flight of stairs, some doing so easily while others breathing hard and even sweating from the exertion. In the distance, they could see the door that led to the great hall. Beyond it, a faint sound of murmurings reached their ears. Then whispers.

The whispers turned into a giant howl, making the first years jump.

A small wizard, whom they assumed was a professor, approached them.

"Let's get you ready for the sorting," the professor spoke. He had his hat in his hand and waved it to get their attention. "Form a line and follow me."

After a murmur of curious and fearful voices, the children did as they were told.

The professor approached the doors and they opened as if the sound of the small pit pats were their key.

The higher classes were already at their tables and all heads turned to the first years.

All the first years stopped. The ones that couldn't see peaked around shoulders and above heads to see what was going on and why the line had stopped. For most, it wasn't their fellow students that intimidated them, but the Great Table where some of the most renowned people in the wizarding world sat. Some of the faces were friendly; others showed no emotions, but there were no harsh expressions among any of them.

The small professor leading them walked forward and placed the old hat in his hands on a chair in front of the High Table. The students moved to the front.

The hall grew silent when the hat began to sing, marking that the sorting had begun. It was unbelievable that six years ago, this castle was destroyed by a battle against a dark wizard.

When the last student was sorted, an old woman with green robes rose from the middle seat. One decorated with phoenix wings on each side; a legacy from her predecessor. She cleared her throat and everyone turned to her.

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