Chapter 68: Training and an Unanswered Inquiry

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When All is Lost, One is Found

Author: Rinoaebastel

Chapter 68: Training and an Unanswered Inquiry

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and gain no profit from this fanfiction other than writing practice. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

AN: This story may contain scenes taken from the Harry Potter movies and books, but it's not exact dialogue, just rewording of dialogue or omission. It is not marked.

February, 1997

The silhouette in front of them waited, the wooden wand pointing at her. If it'd had been animate, it would've been anticipating Granger's next attack. Severus observed her technique in silence with his arms crossed. Whatever skills she had before were unrefined. She'd never been the best at Defense despite her marks, but months of lack of practicing and insecurity had made her worse.

"Raise the wand higher." She adjusted the wand height and pointed to the practice dummy.


Her shout echoed, bouncing off the walls enchanted with a silencing spell. There was no hesitation in her this time. She had been casting the spell for a couple of sessions, but she hadn't put her heart in it until now.

A tiny ball of fire launched across the room, disappeared, and then exploded in front of the dummy, breaking it into thousands of pieces.

After two months of suffering, of hesitating, she'd finally conquered the spell that had brought the death of Sirius Black. She'd accepted her magic fully.

Her eyes were fixed on the destroyed dummy. Unblinking. Then, within an instant, she was looking at him with a full smile. "I did it!"

She ran toward him. At first, he thought she might run into him, but she stopped a few steps away. He didn't think he could take another one of her embraces. He hadn't forgotten how comfortable it had been.

He still couldn't figure out what her mysterious scent was, and hadn't been able to get it out of his mind. He knew the thoughts of her would not leave until he figured it out.

"I'm not blind." His reply came out with a dry emotion. She giggled and he rolled his eyes. "It's good progress. Now we can start with more spells I wish to teach you."

Her body tensed. "Teach me?"

He didn't know if she was surprised or scared. "Yes. I told you I would teach you the first day we started this. You'll duel with me just as you did that day."

She bit the inside corner of her mouth and looked away from him. He didn't want her to back down, she needed the training, and he wanted her strong.

"Have you changed your mind?"

"No, I haven't. It's just that...Well, I couldn't stand if I hurt you."

He felt something inside his chest. An anxious feeling that constricted his heart. He forced himself not to think about it.

"Once you do, you'll be a remarkable duelist. Which is what we need you to become. If you hurt me, I will allow you to mend it since you need to learn more about that as well. I know it won't be serious because I'm sure you don't want to kill me... For now."

As soon as his last words came out, the witch slapped her hand against his chest. She jerked her hand away as if burned, and averted her gaze for a second time. The silence that formed after was as oppressive as the need to get closer to her.

He was about to break the silence but she did it first. "Don't be an idiotic man."

His eyes widened at her bravery, but he let himself laugh. He was lucky to find this kind of camaraderie near the end of his life. He could treasure it without worrying about her alienation after he was gone. No one would ever know about their friendship. If they did, it would be her choice to reveal it.

"Then don't be so insufferable," he retorted.

The awkwardness faded as quickly as it came.

"Just for today, but only because you asked so nicely."

It was odd that he was starting to have fun with her. He, Severus Snape, had duties, he had work, but never fun.

"Sir?" she asked in a serious voice. His thoughts of fun faded instantly. He studied her and saw she was hesitant about something.

"What is it? Go ahead and ask. If I can't answer I'll tell you."

"I've... I've noticed something."

He snorted. "That's something you're hesitant about revealing? I've got news for you. If that's a secret you're trying to keep, you're failing miserably. You're the most observant person I know."

She frowned. "It's about Professor Dumbledore," she said, ignoring his teasing. "Is he all right?"

He wasn't surprised she'd noticed the change where others had not. Dumbledore hid his illness well with the help of his potions. Granger knew how to hide her own pains, although hers was more mental. Still, it was only natural she'd eventually see that not all was well with the headmaster.

"Why do you ask?"

"I noticed on Christmas that he seemed different. I've been thinking about it on and off. I think his state has something to do with what you have to tell me and want me to hide with occlumency, right?"

He kept his face as neutral as a corpse. She was too smart for her own good. He wanted to tell her, but now wasn't the time.

"Miss Granger..."

"You aren't going to tell me." Her voice trembled while speaking the sentence. "You don't trust my ability? I block you all the time now.

That was true, she'd become extremely accomplished in occlumency. Picked it up much quickly than that idiot Potter. "It's not the right time. It's nothing more than that," he said. "it has nothing to do with whether I trust you or not."

She wasn't ready to hear that he would become the murderer of the most loved and powerful wizard of their world. That the old man was dying anyway and sending her friend to his death.

He would become the most hated man in the world and Potter would have to die to defeat the Dark Lord.

"I swear to you, that I will tell you when you need to hear it, but I'll say you are on the right track."

Her only response was a nod.

AN: More dueling and showing off the intelligence from Hermione's part, but Severus... Oh, Severus...Let me know what you think and hope you enjoyed. See you on Saturday.

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