Chapter 51: Intervention

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When All is Lost, One is Found

Author: Rinoaebastel

Chapter 51: Intervention

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and gain no profit from this fanfiction other than writing practice. Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling.

AN: This story may contain scenes taken from the Harry Potter movies and books, but it's not exact dialogue, just rewording of dialogue or omission. It is not marked.

His arms were crossed, his back straight, and his eyes locked on the two women in front of him. Though he appeared to be paying close attention, his mind was still processing the worry and fear going through him. He wanted to find a place to scream and blow something up just so he could release the tension in his body. Instead, he used his years of experience spying to suppress his emotions and focused on his next course of action. He needed to get that witch to recover, no matter what he had to do to do it.

He needed to get her back to normal, but for that, he needed the truth the girl had been hiding.

She needed to confide in him with everything, every fear, every dark secret she had. If she were insecure about that still, he would give her every bit of darkness within him first. He wanted her as close to the way she was before as he could get her. Of course, she'd never fully be back there after whatever trauma she went through. Trauma during battle forever changed someone in various ways. But she could regain her skill, her intelligence, her drive, and her courage to do what was needed when the times came.

The reason was quite simple for this drastic measure. If she couldn't survive for herself, she would be a useless ally. Or that's what he wanted to think as he cruelly suppressed his extreme fondness for her.

He watched Granger sit up and follow Poppy's instructions. Her reflexes and motions seemed to be as good as ever, but she still had no spark in her eyes. They were as empty and as cold as his were.

The elder woman walked over to him, and looked at him with a soft expression. His lips tightened.

In a low voice she said, "She will recover, Severus. There is no permanent damage. Thank Merlin you got to her in time."

"So she's being released already?" he asked, wanting to know if she was strong enough for his intervention.

"Yes. I would like to watch her overnight for that head injury, but I figure she wouldn't go for that."

"A patient's, especially not a student's, desires never stopped you before."

The woman gave a little chuckle. "She's gone through enough. Since it's not extremely serious, I won't put more stress on her."

"I see."

A silence drifted between them for a few seconds before she sighed and placed a hand on his shoulder. She squeezed it.

"If it weren't for you, she'd be dead."


"You're a hero, you know."

He almost rolled his eyes. "It's my job as a teacher."

It was her turn to give him a barely audible, "Hm".

The woman looked back at Granger and he followed her gaze. "Will you escort her? I don't want her to go on her own."

His only reply was a nod and the elder woman went into her office. He looked back to Granger and saw she hadn't moved. She was just staring down at her lap with her hands gripping the sheets.

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