Chapter 85: Never Alone

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When All is Lost, One is Found

Author: Rinoaebastel

Chapter 85: Never Alone

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and gain no profit from this fanfiction other than writing practice. Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling.

AN: This story may contain scenes taken from the Harry Potter movies and books, but it's not exact dialogue, just rewording of dialogue or omission. It is not marked.

June, 1997

Stairs went on and on in an interminable climb. He felt as if each step he took was piling dread upon him. He knew what was waiting for him at the astronomy tower. It was often used for students trying to do promiscuous things at night, but this time, it was for a quiet meeting.

The pressure in his chest grew and dread filled him with every step he took.

Whatever Draco was planning, the headmaster was counting on happening soon. The old wizard wasn't a fool, and even if he were weak, he wouldn't ignore a threat directly under his nose.

The telescope came into view, making him swallow in response with a subtle movement. With a couple more stairs, he saw the headmaster. He never let his mask drop as he approached the elder wizard.

He was looking out at the view, making no move to turn to him. When he got a meter behind Dumbledore, he waited to be acknowledged.

An uneasy feeling lurked from his body, knowing, making him sense that this was going to be the last time they could have a formal conversation. As a mentor and a pupil.

Their relationship become increasingly strained year by year as each lie was uncovered. Every action Dumbledore took showed him that he was never and never would be trusted completely. That was probably why the headmaster always asked more from him than anyone else. He didn't care to sacrifice him if necessary. Him or Potter...

"Good afternoon, Severus." The weakness in the headmaster's voice, and his slow movement to turn to look at him, confirmed his health status. "I assume you know why you are here?"

"I could merely imagine." His reply was dry.

"I'm going on an important mission with Potter tonight, and I don't know what kind of state I'll come back in," Dumbledore answered with his trademark infuriating calmness.

He wasn't surprised.

"I see. And I assume you can't tell me what you're going to do." His voice deliberately showed a pinch of discomfort. "As always."

"No, Severus, but I'm counting on you to protect the castle and the students. I've made sure Hogwarts will recognize you in case I don't come back. It will secure your position here."

Part of him hoped the headmaster did not return. That would free him from his task of killing him. It was a terrible thought, a selfish thought, but he couldn't help it.

"It might not be a wise time to leave. You know Draco has finished whatever he is trying to do to murder you. I have a feeling that your departure will trigger it."

"In that case, my life is in your hands.

He snarled. The wizard's eyes widened ever so slightly. "Have you never reconsidered what you've asked of me? You could be making a mistake. What if I told you right here, right now, that I don't want to do this."

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