Chapter 75: Patronum!

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When All is Lost, One is Found

Author: Rinoaebastel

Chapter 75: Patronum!

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and gain no profit from this fanfiction other than writing practice. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

AN: This story may contain scenes taken from the Harry Potter movies and books, but it's not exact dialogue, just rewording of dialogue or omission. It is not marked.

March, 1997

The door slammed open, causing the group of excited students to jump. He expected that exact effect due to years of experience. It was such a typical reaction and was one he desired.

He had no need to strain his voice because his presence was enough to silence the classroom. His eyes trailed around the class first, memorizing each student and where they stood. When satisfied that he knew who was there and who was not, he walked up to his desk.

The closer the holiday's came, the more the students shirked their obligations. He was surprised to see Potter and his gang of pests in the room. Potter was ignoring Granger, but the couple of Brown and Weasley glared at her as if she weren't fit to be in the class. They were the very two he'd throw out of the class if he could. Fortunately, he could take out small amounts of revenge on them.

Then he saw her. She had a small smile on her face the moment his black gaze found hers. The moment her lips quirked, something inside him stirred and his body warmed.

The witch had a power that he had to force himself away from and get back to the reality of the classroom waiting for his instructions.

"Patronuses," he said, making his voice sterner than usual. "There's a personal one for every soul in this room, but few wizards are capable of casting a corporeal one." He paced slowly between the student's desks. "All of you will try to cast it today, and Potter, you will be the first."

Everyone looked at Potter, shooting him pitiful looks, and he had to hold back a grin. The boy lazily stood and muttered under his breath.

He shouldn't complain. This was more torture for him than Potter. He could've casted his own Patronus as an example, but that would be dangerous for him if the Death Eaters or Dark Lord found out about it.

He knew Potter could conjure a corporeal Patronus. He'd seen it three years ago when that werewolf almost killed them.

"To the front, Potter, and show them how to do it."

The boy walked to the front, much more obedient than what he was used to. Maybe he felt proud of something he could do.

The boy raised his wand. "Expecto Patronum!"

In an instant, he saw the silvery mist morph into a disgusting animal form. It brought back horrible memories, but he was able to throw them to the side. That stag had been a sign that she hadn't been compatible with him. Her doe spoke for her when she didn't.

He raised his wand and forced the spell to dissipate.

"Now, non-verbal, Potter."

See if you are as mighty as they say, but seeing how you treat your close ones, I doubt it. Just like his mother. He almost cringed as the last part of the thought came to him.

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