Chapter 22: Teaching Against His Will

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When All is Lost, One is Found

Author: Rinoaebastel

Chapter 22: Teaching Against His Will

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and gain no profit from this fanfiction other than writing practice. Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling.

AN: This story may contain scenes taken from the Harry Potter movies and books, but it's not exact dialogue, just rewording of dialogue or omission. It is not marked.

December 1995

It was unusual for Dumbledore to call him a few days before the student's departure for the holidays, and even more so in the middle of the night. The man hadn't given explanations and only said he needed to talk to him. It would be naive to assume that it wasn't concerning the Dark Lord.

When he stepped upon the last step, he heard voices dissipating.

When he opened the door, he only saw Dumbledore in the office, looking at the fireplace embers dying. He waited for the headmaster to acknowledge him. After a few more seconds staring at the fireplace, the headmaster turned his body towards him.

"Ah, Severus, here you are. I am sorry for the hours but we must talk." Dumbledore placed his hands on the desk. The old man looked pale and concerned. "What I feared. It happened."

Frowning he took a step forward. "What are you talking about Albus? Did the Dark Lord attack somewhere? I wasn't summoned?"

"Not exactly. He entered Harry's mind. He did it while he was using Nagini to attack Arthur Weasley as he patrolled near the department of mysteries. You know what is in there, right, Severus?"

A connection between Potter and the Dark Lord could put everything they were working toward in danger. But how long had Dumbledore suspected this, and why didn't he do something to circumvent this situation before it happened.

The prospect of the Dark Lord probing Potter's mind at a distance made him shiver. His master could get access to anything Potter saw, including, him. Thankfully, he was never kind to Potter. Never let his mask fall when near the boy.

He focused on Dumbledore's question. There were many things in the department of mysteries to know about but... "The prophecy?"

"Exactly. He wants it. I'm sure that he will start using this connection with Potter." Dumbledore's voice was filled with dread and despair. He'd never heard such a tone come from the man.

"And what do you propose we do to avoid it? The boy is not an occlumens, and he has a lack of discipline for it." Dumbledore fixed his eyes on him.


He couldn't want him to...

"You will teach him."

"No, find someone else."

Dumbledore slouched ever so slightly. "You're a skilled man and you know how the Dark Lord will intrude on him. You won't be easy on the boy, and that's why it should be you."

"You can do the same as I can. I won't risk my position because of Potter. That boy can't do it, and I have no time to teach him. I haven't the patience or the desire to let him get a chance to see inside my mind." It was risky. It was absurd. He couldn't let that boy near him.

"You will do it and that's final, Severus."

"And what if the Dark Lord sees it? What if Potter slips my aid to him? He will kill me." His voice lowered into a threat. "Do you not care for the implications? For what could happen when the Dark lord asks about it?"

"You can tell him I ordered you to do it, but you are putting no effort into it. You can say Potter is too stupid. There are always excuses, Severus."

"If, by some slim chance, the boy succeeds, it will point straight to me teaching him." He crossed his arms in front of his chest. "It's a stupid idea. Too risky. Especially when you have the skills to teach him."

"Don't, Severus. You are going to do it because the boy needs you. I can't risk my plans either."

And there was the truth. Albus didn't want to teach the boy for the same reasons. Potter could possibly transmit the Order's plans to the Dark Lord.

His plans, his safety didn't matter. Well, it wasn't as if he didn't know that already.

"You will start in January. Right now, he's at the Weasley's residence."

Without another word, he left the office. No more arguing. It would do no good.

He knew that he was just a tool but risking his life in a manner like that was crossing a line. His skills with occlumency were one of the most useful defenses he had. So carelessly just to preserve his mind. How could he trust a man that didn't at least consider his opinion?

All this time he trusted Albus as much as he could. For years, he'd had to act blindly because the man refused to tell him the full plan. Sometimes he wondered if he'd be better off with the Death Eaters. At least he knew where they stood. They were blunt with him.

He climbed down the stairs before they moved on their own, but he didn't go to his dungeons. Right now, he needed a walk in the cold. He was an object to be used and tossed away, but now Potter was one as well.

When the cold night air hit his face, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Occlumency with Potter. He had never thought that he would have to do such a thing, and less in this age. The boy wouldn't learn much, if anything, from him. Occlumency required trust and that was something neither of them had with each other.

Potter would fail and Dumbledore would have to deal with the consequences of his actions. He'd be lying if he said he didn't look forward to it a bit. That was the darkness in him speaking.

Dropping his shoulders, he looked at the sky. Why couldn't the boy be more like Lily?

He would have to remove some memories before he did this. He couldn't stand the thought of letting the boy see how his father had humiliated him. It would only fuel the boy's arrogance and make him think he had power over him.

Potter would fail in this task. The only thing that the boy could achieve was to irritate him more.

AN: Hope you liked it. Things will start to... get "twisted" soon :P Let me know what you think and till next week if nothing wrong happens! :3

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