Chapter 120: Remnants

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When All is Lost, One is Found

Author: Rinoaebastel

Chapter 120: Remnants

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and gain no profit from this fanfiction other than writing practice. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

AN: This story may contain scenes taken from the Harry Potter movies and books, but it's not exact dialogue, just rewording of dialogue or omission. It is not marked.

May, 1998

Blue eyes stared at him before they fell out of sight. The image repeated itself so many times he would've lost count had he been counting. Each time he wanted to reach out and grab the body before it fell, but he couldn't move.

Then, the white hair and blue eyes transformed to brown. The life faded from them, letting him see his failure. Showing his payment for his lack of reaction. He screamed, but no sound came from his lips. He grabbed his throat as his air was sucked from his body. He moved his shaking hands away from his throat and they went from healthy to necrotic in seconds.

A serpent's mouth appeared in front of him, slowly opening to show its fangs. Then it struck.

His body launched up from the bed, his back protesting the action more than the rest of his body. His eyes couldn't register anything around him due to the darkness in the room and lack of moon outside.

His breathing came out in heavy gasps, and his shirt and hair stuck to his sweat soaked skin.

A touch on his cheek made him flinch away. He reached under his pillow to grip his wand, but didn't move when her voice cut through the dark. "Severus, it's Hermione. You had a nightmare. Everything is fine."

He closed his eyes and took several deep breaths, focusing on the words she just said and the sound of her voice as she spoke them.

She was alive. Thank Merlin she was alive.

He let himself rest back on the mattress again, dropped his wand, and put his forearm over his eyes.

"Tha...Thank you."

Feeling her fingertips on his cheek made him tense at first, but then he let himself relax and enjoy the sensation. "Do you want to talk about them?" she asked.

He moved his arm and turned his head in her direction. He could barely make her out due to the dim nightlight in the hallway.

Should he share this burden too?

"Tell me," she said, making up his mind for him.

"I was watching Dumbledore die, then he changed to you. I saw you dying by my hand. Then the serpent showed up and..."

She moved the hair out of his face. "It's over now," she said. "I know that won't help very much, but I hope these things will fade and be replaced with beautiful dreams soon."

Hermione lowered her body and pressed her forehead against his. He raised his hand and buried his fingers in her curls.

"You have a fever," she said, something he already knew. "I'll bring you a potion."

He would've preferred that she just stay at his side, but before he could say anything, she got up and left the room. It wouldn't take long.

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