Chapter 43: Like a Warrior

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When All is Lost, One is Found

Author: Rinoaebastel

Chapter 43: Like a Warrior

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and gain no profit from this fanfiction other than writing practice. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

AN: This story may contain scenes taken from the Harry Potter movies and books, but it's not exact dialogue, just rewording of dialogue or omission. It is not marked.

October, 1996

Sitting on one of the sofas of the teacher's room, his eyes focused on the headmaster. He was only half listening to what his colleagues were saying. He didn't care if a student got better in transforming a toad.

The old man was pale and if one paid close attention, they would spot a shake of his arm ever so often.

He'd tried to do a counter curse with some experimental brews, but they were unsuccessful. It would certainly be easier if he had the headmaster's collaboration. He needed to check his symptoms so he could adjust the dosage of pain relieving potion, and a sample of his blood would help as well.

His eyes narrowed every time a small shake appeared. It was a miracle that no one had noticed how he was decaying. How he was losing his life little by little. Dumbledore would die before he had to kill him if he didn't find a way to slow down the curse. He felt like a failure. He didn't want to kill him even though he'd manipulated him almost his entire life.

His body tensed as the blue eyes focused on him.

"Severus." The conversation around them stopped. "Is there something you want to add? You look like you are going to strangle someone."

He knew perfectly well why he was angry.

"How does that differ from my normal expression?" he joked before he could stop it.

All the eyes in the room widened, but he ignored them. "No. I have nothing to add."

The old man nodded and Severus folded his arms.

"Then I must praise you and Minerva. I heard that Miss Granger is the first one to cast non-verbal spells in your class. I suppose this means she is recovering."

He wanted to tell him that he was only partially right. The old man was confident but he hadn't seen her hand shaking.

Being unable to do magic was a shame.

"After her, some others achieved it, but unfortunately not as well as her," he replied with a cold tone.

"Good. I didn't expect less from you, Severus. We need you to prepare the children with Tom gaining powers."

He kept his face neutral but inside he was filled with disbelief. He'd never brought up the Dark Lord topic in a staff meeting.

An uncomfortable silence filled the room until McGonagall moved in her chair. His eyes turned to her and she looked concerned. "Albus, do you think they will attack?"

"It's possible. We have aurors around, but it won't be enough if he decides to attack with all of his forces." The headmaster put both hands on the table and his body bent to come closer towards them. "We can't deny it. This is the safest place now, but we must be prepared for that possibility." He gave a gentle smile despite the seriousness of the conversation. "Can I count on all of you?" A silent nod from everyone was the only response. "Then the meeting is dismissed. You're free to return to your classes. Severus, I know you want to talk with me so wait here."

His lips tightened in a fine line as he heard the last words. Was the old man finally getting some sense in his brains about his wellbeing?

When everyone left, Dumbledore tumbled back onto his chair and slouched.

Severus moved to Dumbledore's side. The old man closed his eyes and offered him his arm. Severus grabbed his wrist carefully with the tip of his fingers, touching him as gently as he could.

He rolled up the old man's sleeve and a gasp escaped from his lips. The darkness covered him up to his shoulder.

"Sir, I need to slow this down or you will only live for five more months."

He saw how the old wizard smiled with sadness. "Sir?"

Severus kept to the topic. "Does it hurt?"

"It's starting to. Enough that I'm not sure if I can last as long as you predict."

"Do you have another symptom apart from the pain and shaking?"

"Not for now. I assume you need my blood?"

"It would be wise if you want me to try to slow this down more. The potion I used on you was designed for Granger's curse, so it's expected that it didn't last." He released his hand.

Opening his cloak, he retrieved an empty vial from one of its pockets and uncorked it. With his other hand, he grabbed his wand and pointed it at Dumbledore's darkened hand. A small incision appeared and the blood dropped in the vial until it was filled. He waved his wand and healed the injury.

"For now this will be enough to find something to slow it down." He muttered to himself, not satisfied with the situation. "Later, I could try to stop this curse."

"No, Severus. I'm not letting you do that. It will only endanger your place."

Severus grunted at his calm response and looked at him with a fury. "You are insane. We could still stop them. Stop Draco and heal you." He hit the table, making it vibrate for a few seconds.

"You can't even talk with the boy, Severus, and let's be realistic, you made an unbreakable vow. I'm old and disposable. Harry is the one that has to survive. You are the key to him doing that. You hold the information that will help him and can save him in numerous attacks if present." The man smiled as he noticed his trembling fist. "He needs you, not an old naïve wizard whose life and magic is being drained. This is a curse of the Dark Lord, Severus. I won't survive no matter what you do. You need to accept that fact."

That stupid man was right. He was the one that could help him from the shadows. To fool the Dark Lord and help Potter and his friends avoid his traps. At least, most of them. He hated when all his manipulations made sense.

"I will start to work on easing the pain and slowing down the curse. You are still needed no matter what you think. You kept the Dark Lord at bay."

"Not anymore, dear boy. He wants to kill me, so I think his fear of me and this place has vanished. We all must do what we have to do, and my time in this war is finishing. You will be the hero this time, Severus."

Avoiding the old man's eyes, he moved away from him and left. He couldn't stand his presence even though he admired his resolution.

Dumbledore wanted to fall like a warrior and not like a senile useless wizard that was stupid enough to get himself cursed by a temptation. He knew how stubborn that man was, so he would do as he asked because he understood that sense of honor.

He would like to die like a warrior too.

AN: Severus being cold is another way of showing his "anger" at Dumbledore for manipulating him, but, sometimes, he is just human too... A defeated human with his desires. Hope you enjoyed this tiny bit and let me know what you think. See you next week!

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