|47|: I'll Help You

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Dedicated to Shadows_01 ! Tasneem you are a loyal reader and such a sweet friend! This one is for you.


"Welcome to the Warehouse Hotline. How can I make your day even more evil?"

"Dianna! I got another note."

"What do you —."

"Remember when Georgia told you about the notes?"

"Yeah, well I've received some more and they're not friendly pen-pal post cards. They're more like threats. Now I'm freaking scared for my life."

"Alright, relax."

"Relax? How can I do that! It's difficult getting these horrid notes being sent to your house, even with my parents still away."

"Your parents are away?"

"Yeah, did I never mention that?"

"I don't know."

"Yeah, well point is. I'm freaking scared!"

There was a small silence.

"What does the letter say?"

"It says, er, 'did you miss me? I'm here to destroy you.' Not subtle at all."

"Destroy. Des-."

Dianna cut herself short as she seemed to have picked up on something.

"I'll help you."

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