Chapter 36

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Gulping loudly I let out a deep breath getting into my car I pulled my phone out to send Matt a quick text.

To: Matt

Hey where are you at right now?

From: Lexi

Getting into my car I began driving down the all too familiar road the diner in my rearview mirror fading away the father I drove till it wasn't in sight anymore.

I was reaching the halfway point of the high way were one took me home and the other to the clubhouse. Matt still hadn't texted me back.

My phone vibrated twice to notify me of a text message looking at the screen Matt's name appeared. Well speak of the devil.

To: Lexi

I'm at the clubhouse why? Is something going on?

From: Matt

Leave it to Matt to think wrong I swear that boy always thinks of the worst possibilities. With that I made a turn changing freeways to head to the clubhouse the freeway was empty most people didn't use this freeway.

The smell of food was bombarding my senses that I had to roll the windows down to air out my car or else it would smell of chilly cheese fries all day.

Pulling into the very familiar black fence was the two prospects as always they only glanced in the window once they saw it was me I was let in. They greeted me before stepping aside pulling into the parking lot few heads turned in my direction but I paid no attention to them.

Parking my car in available parking spot I grabbed the food out of the car locking it behind me putting my shades back on I made my way inside. So far I hadn't spotted most of the guys Tito was were he always was behind the bar. His head snapped up at my approach giving me a smile "Hey Lexi what's up?" he asked.

"Oh nothing much my brother around I didn't see him when I came in or most of the guys actually" I said it was true yeah the prospects had been there but not the actual high ranking ones.

"There in a meeting right now they should be about down maybe fifteen minutes top. You want me to tell your brother that you were looking for him?" Tito asked.

Shaking my head "No it's cool I'll just wait for him I got some time to kill before I have to leave anyway" I said before getting up to head to the pool tables. There was a game going on between three of the prospects David, Zayne, and Malik they were actually pretty entertaining.

30 minutes later

The conference room doors finally opened when I yelled out "Boo-Ya!! Eight ball in the pocket you loose again! Now pay up Sucker!" I said cheerfully while Zayne, Malik, and David all coughed over two hundred bucks each.

"What's going on here?" Abel's voice asked. It seemed my loud boasting had gathered a some what large male crowd that now surrounded us. David pointed a finger to me causing there heads to look at me while I stood casually crossing my foot holding out the stick pool.

"There just mad cause they lost a little bet to me in pool" I said casually shrugging my shoulders like it was no big deal. Matt let out a loud snorting laughing turning he was right next to him.

"Why would you guys even bet against Lexi in pool? She's like a pro" Matt stated. I tried my best to stifle my laughter but as shock and realization hit them I couldn't hold it in and burst out laughing.

"She said she didn't know how to play!" David whined

"That's cheating you totally ripped us off!" Zayne wailed

"Not cool Lexi' Malik glared at me.

"It's actually not cheating I told you from the beginning that I hadn't played in a long time so I didn't really remember how to play which was true. I just forgot to mention that a long time to me was last week" I said shrugging my shoulders casually while a huge grin stayed on my face.

It only made me laugh more "Don't tell me did you hustle them?" Abel asked surprised I nodded my head looking at the poor guys.

"Didn't know you had it in you" Jace's voice made a shiver run down my spine turning toward his voice his eyes were one mine.

"It's one of my many skills" I said coolly. "At least I got two-hundred bucks out of each of them" I said laughing a little again.

"Can't believe you fell for that old school trick but then again when it comes from a pretty lady that cant be helped" said a smooth voice I recognized as John's. Looking to my left there he stood giving me a wink that made me give him a smile in return.

"So what are you doing here I thought I wouldn't see you the whole day?" Matt asked curiously.

"Oh right change of plans plus I brought you something" I said before turning and reaching behind the counter where I grabbed the bag and shake. Before revealing it I turned around "You have to close you eyes if you want to get it" I said waiting.

Matt grumbled complains but did it anyway he was just that curious it made me laugh he really was like a little kid. Pulling it over I held it in front of him with my arms stretched out "Okay open them" I said beaming.

He cocked his head to the side before a big goofy grin spread on his face he took them out of my hand placing them down on the counter table. Turning to me he wrapped his arms around my waist picking me off the ground spinning me like a little kid.

"Ahhhaha" I squealed out in surprise but a sudden fit of giggles came over me as he put me down. I smacked him in the arm hard "Don't do that stupid" I tried to sound serious but it was a fail with me laughing.

"I can't believe it; it's been so long since we went there. You know you're the best sister in the world right have I told you that?" he asked taking out his food while mentally savoring the moment. "You even got all my favorites too?! Alright that's it what's going on?" Matt asked curiously.

Rolling my eyes at him "Nothing I stopped by the diner and I figured I would do something nice can't you just accept it without thinking something's wrong?" I asked innocently.

"No!" Matt, Abel, and Jace all said in unison. Raising my eyebrows in surprise they all looked around at each other okay that was really weird.

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