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Bill got the entry, and went downstairs. I went into the bathroom to wait out my demonic power thing.

I could hear...and see...Bill. Everything he heard, and I saw him through his watchful eyes.

"Um...Ford, right? Here's the document Dipper was getting."

"Thank you, William, but what about my great nephew?" Ford questioned my sudden disappearance.

"He's in the bathroom."

They say in the living room. "Sorry about the wait, Ford, Dipper's room is very scattered with documents of all sorts," Bill claimed politely.

"Understandable. Say, William, do you believe in the paranormal?"

"Yes, sir. I do."

Wrong thing to say, Bill....

"I saw a lot of entries on it, and I found the place named...what was it...Gravity Falls, I think...quite intriguing."

Nice save.

"Maybe you'll have to visit, William."

Mabel and Stan talked about scams and fighting. Bill and Ford sat in an awkward silence.

"Excuse me, but I'm going to make sure Dipper's alright."

Bill headed upstairs, to me.

I let him in the bathroom as soon as he approached.

"Your eye is still yellow...and your right arm and leg are clearly bricked." Bill stated the obvious.

"Yeah, I noticed! How're we gonna fix this?" I asked in a panicked whisper.

"Hold up."

Bill thought for a while.

"Oh! We need a deal!"

"But Ford has all those paranormal censors...he'd be sure to pick up on blue demon flames."

"I can mask it. Don't worry! Now, what do I want in exchange for helping you..." Bill thought.

"I know!" He said finally, after a few minutes.

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