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They were too late.

Indeed, Jason had managed to stop the flow of the water for a little while, but the barrier could only hold for so long.

"It's no use," sputtered Leo after receiving a splah of water in his face. Annabeth, Hazel, and Leo were all standing in the bottom deck near the stables where the Kraken had shattered the glass bombers. The glass bombers made Annabeth relive good memories (from the time where she and Percy ACCIDENTLY fell asleep), but also bad ones (when she jumped out the windows in a moment of desperation and insanity). Not only that, but the ship was presently sinking at a fast pace.

Gods, why did monsters have to be so annoying?

"What do we do?" Hazel wailed.  Hazel, compared to Jason, had recovered pretty quickly after Frank and Piper fell into the sea. Of course she seemed devastated and had cried at first, but hey, Annabeth hadn't reacted any better, and Hazel had lost her boyfriend.

Jason, on the other hand, wouldn't stop pacing the deck and had been searching the waters for hours. He made Percy scour the ocean, even though they'd already tried explaining to him that this was all part of the quests, it was what the fates had decided, blah blah blah. Annabeth figured he was simply being the "overprotective boyfriend". Hadn't Percy reacted the same way when he thought he lost Annabeth?

To make matters worse, Jason was completely ignoring Annabeth. She tried apologizing multiple times, but he would either look away or shrug her off. He wouldn't even talk to her or make eye contact. Which was making Annabeth feel more guilty than ever. It should have been me, she thought. Piper didn't deserve to get thrown off the ship. I did, for being such a terrible friend.

"Leo, are you sure the aerial oars are broken?" Annabeth asked, bailing yet another bucket of water out.

Leo rolled his eyes. "No, Annabeth. We've been down here for the past hour trying to de-flood the stables because the aerial oars are working fine. Of course they're broken! The monster tore them right out, if you haven't noticed." He tinkered with his Archimedes spheres, probably trying to find something that could help them. Anything.

All of a sudden, one of Leo's spheres slipped out of his hands and landed in the pool of water with a little splash. "MY BABY!" he shrieked. He bent down to pick it up, but a pair of watery hands surged from the water and picked up his sphere for him. Leo shrieked again, as did Annabeth and Hazel.

The small pool of water that was once there had gathered into the complete figure of a woman. She was complete made out of water, but Annabeth could still make out each ear and eye and a kind smile. She reminded Annabeth of the naiads back at home in Camp Half-Blood at the canoe lake.

"I think you dropped this," she said to Leo, holding out the Archimedes sphere. Leo took it gingerly.

She held up her hands in defense. "I mean no harm. I have only come to help my favorite demigod sailors."

"Who are you?" Annabeth asked.

The water spirit smiled as if she were amused by this simple question. "Why, I am Brizo, of course, minor goddess and protector of sailors."


"If you're supposed to protect us, why couldn't you have stop my girlfriend from falling off a ship?" Jason demanded, once the demigods had all gathered on the upper deck. Percy put his arm around Annabeth's shoulders as Jason said this, probably glad he had his girlfriend with him. It made Annabeth feel like Percy would never leave her alone again after their recent trauma.

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