Chapter 1

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"Skye come on!" I yelled grabbing my jacket.

Since Christmas had been and gone we'd moved forwards with the choice to pursue a career in music. I mean nothing else speaks to us the same way as lyrics, and music does. With Blair helping us along the way it wasn't as daunting, but we'd both come a long way. Skye had got blue dip dye and I'd gone bleach blonde. She ran out "One moment, I need my guitar,"

"We don't have all day," I laughed.

Skye snorted "Actually yeah, we do."

"Well I kinda want to see Rye," I sighed.

Skye laughed coming over to me, I looked her up and down "You're wearing a crop top? You know we can see your skin?"

"Hilarious," Skye said dryly, "that's the point to a crop top, now come on."


We were chatting with some roadies, when one yelled "Oh look, it's the girls!"

"HEY LIV!" one yelled.

Skye yelled "HI TO MYSELF TOO!"

Liv rolled her eyes "Not everyone wants to say hi to an introvert, you were full on having a meltdown."

"I found a new fictional boyfriend ok, and then I realised he was fictional and I broke." Skye giggled, as they came over.

Liv rolled her eyes "So if I shove you are you gonna collapse?"

"Try me." Skye laughed, Liv shoved her and Skye collapsed on the floor and wailed "I want him to be real! Do you know how much it hurts!?"

Liv looked at her "Come find me when you're done wallowing in self pity,"

"You're mean. Go on, go hug Rye and make out with all the fans watching as they wish they could be you."

Liv turned to her "Do you ever shut up?"

"Well no, cause according to you I talk in my sleep," Skye grinned.

Liv gave a look "Do you always have an answer for everything?"

"Yep," Skye smirked.

The fans were watching amused, I think watching them bicker always amused them, mainly because the love and friendship between them was clear. Liv's phone went off answering it she said "Oh hi Maddie."

"PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEEEE!" Skye wailed getting up she started dancing round Liv who laughed "Sorry Mads, I have a crazy girl here...oh wow we should compare notes."

Skye's phone rang and she answered "Hellooooo?...oh hey Connor, what's up?"

"Maddie she's outranked me, no you don't compare to Connor from The Vamps. Haha, talk to you later." Liv laughed hanging up.

Skye raised a brow and put it on speaker "Go on."

"Liv, pay attention to Skye, she's very needy." Connor laughed as Skye sighed "You could have left the latter off mate."

He chuckled "Where's the fun in that Skye? Now are you two able to make it?"

"If Liv can't come don't worry, I'll channel her spirit." Skye joked, "see you tomorrow Con."

Hanging up Liv stared at her "How come the cool people ring you?"

"Cause I need cooling down, I mean I'm clearly too hot." Skye joked as Liv shoved her laughing she said "Sure Skye, whatever you say."

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