Chapter 40

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Demi POV

Waking up I realised I was at the flat, Meg yelled "Girls up, c'mon."

"Why?" Kat whined coming out looking shattered.

Getting up I came out too, Maddie was already up since she shared the room with Meg. Maddie smiled "It's the 20th of December girls, its nearly Christmas but you know before the families all get here, we've been planning with the boys and Blair to throw a mini Christmas thing."

"That was going well," Kat chuckled, "until you said 'thing'."

"C'mon," Meg laughed, looking at me she grinned "Liv and Skye have no idea what'll have hit them."

"What exactly have you all gone and done?" I asked warily.

Meg grinned "We're taking them to the park,"

"How's that..." I got cut off as Maddie said "Because, that park is where roadies stay to meet the boys and that park holds many memories for them."

I raised a brow "I get the feeling you're not saying everything."

"Well," Kat giggled, "you'll find out when we get there."


Arriving at the park I hugged Jack tightly, he kissed my cheek and turning we saw Skye and Liv were writing in the snow. Liv laughed "Can we grow old together sister?"

"Duh," Skye huffed, it was snowing again and I saw the boys all smiling at the pair of them.

Liv paused glancing at Skye who was already looking at her, turning to face us Liv said amused "So why exactly are we here?"

"So we could spend time with you before our families come." Rye smiled.

The snow started to fall heavier, I pulled my hat down to cover my ears and leaned into Jack's warm embrace. Liv raised a brow "Snow angels?"

"Snow angels." Skye nodded and then both girls dropped down to the snow and began to make snow angels. Andy laughed "How old are you two?"

"Young enough." Liv laughed getting up she glanced at Skye who'd gone still, going over she offered her a hand "C'mon,"

Skye blinked and taking Liv's hand got pulled up and fell against Liv, who held her despite the snow all over them, Liv mumbled "Guys, come on."

Glancing at each other we followed them, Liv had an arm round Skye as we walked to the outskirts of Slough and finally we arrived at a cemetery. Liv glanced at Skye "Why here?"

"...mum was from London." Skye said, "Quinn's parents thought it made more sense."

Going in through the gates I shivered, any cheer of Christmas got drained out of us, as we looked at the overgrown and old head stones. And then Skye and Liv stopped, Liv said "I know its not happened yet but..."

"Don't," Skye choked, "god Susie should get cremated. So she can fly the winds."

Liv smiled "Yeah, why are they buried?"

"Because they wanted to be I suppose." Skye said as snow fell, Liv took her hand and said quietly "Its ok, to feel empty, confused and wishing you could hate them."

"No...I wish they could have met the boys," Skye said her lips quirking slightly, "I wish dad could have seen that someone would love me, treat me right. And that mum would have realised that I wasn't a lost cause...I hope wherever they are, they're happy."

Liv shook her head "After everything?"

" was a bad childhood," Skye smiled weakly as tears fell, "not a bad life. Because I found people who lit up my world, and helped me fight my demons, do battle with darkness. So yes, no one deserves to be miserable. But I hope they've learned something,"

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