Chapter 57

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We'd all come back in, totally drained, but the wedding was happening in less than a month. In less than a month Meg will be married...I raised a brow as Morgan came through and dragged me off "Important question...I've loved Maddie for years Kat. And I want her to be mine, and only mine."

My eyes widened "Are you asking me if you should-"

"I want her Kat, forever." Morgan said staring at me, "but how do I-"

"Don't think." I sighed, "if she wants to she'll say yes, and if she doesn't well she'll say no. Maddie loves you there's no doubt about that, and who knows you could have a double wedding with Meg and Jake."

"I um already spoke to them both, they'd be more than happy since you know Jake's parents can't make it. And its only us lot really going there, so..." he trailed off.

We walked back through, Skye and Maddie were bickering over something, Meg and Liv talking about the table cloth colours. As if loads of people would be coming. Leaning against the wall Sherry appeared "Morgan looks ready to shit himself."

"I would be too." I whispered, "watch."

Gradually the conversations stopped as Morgan was on one knee in front of Maddie, Skye realised first and choked shoving Maddie who froze seeing Morgan on one knee. He smiled at her "You can say no, and I won't be mad, its your choice Mads, but I want you to be mine forever. I need to know you're always going be with me, because I've loved you for so long. And I don't want to be with anyone else."

"Yes." she grinned tackling him to the floor.

Liv rolled her eyes "Does this mean she needs a white dress?"

"I'm not getting married for like another 6 years at least." Demi huffed.

Sherry giggled "You'd say yes if Jack proposed now though."

"Well duh," Demi laughed.

Liv shook her head amused, Skye raised a brow "Hey you and Kat will be by law sisters."

"True," I smiled, "but she was already part of the family."

Maddie grinned at me "Love ya Kat!"

"I still think Liv or Skye will be pregnant first." Meg snorted.

Sherry rolled her eyes "Liv probably."

"Hey!" Liv yelled laughing as Sherry stuck her tongue out at her.

Meg glanced at Liv "So Liv's my maid of honour."

"Kat, you don't get a choice." Maddie grinned.

Sherry frowned "What about Skye?"

"What about me?" Skye scoffed, "I have no interest in planning the wedding...but I may be pulling a few strings here and there."

Liv grinned at her "Atta girl."

"What are you up to?" Meg frowned.

Skye smiled "You'll find out soon. Like on your wedding day,"

"Who's writing speeches?" Jake asked.

Maddie snorted "Skye probably,"

Skye smirked saying nothing as she pulled out her phone and began typing away.

"Wait," Liv said, "Kat does Morgan even have a suit?"

I laughed "No clue."

"Ok rally around," Liv yelled. Skye shook her head "Enjoy her, Sherry?"

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