Chapter 25

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It was 3am when the door to the girls flat opened, we'd stayed here waiting for them to arrive back. Kat came through holding Liv up who wailed "I wanna drink!"

"'re drunk off your ass." Demi laughed appearing, helping Kat move Liv to the sofa.

"Where's Maddie and Skye?" I asked curious.

Kat glanced at me "Outside, Maddie got a girl, and Skye's too drunk to care right now. She seems to think everywhere is a party...its kinda endearing."

"Nice place Skye," a girl I didn't know said slurring slightly, Liv grinned "Ali, Mads didn't scare you off?"

Ali raised a brow "As if,"

Maddie appeared behind Ali snaking her arms round the girl, Skye appeared and it was then we noticed the girls outfits. Andy choked on his tea "Skye what are you wearing?"

"Huh?" Skye said glancing at herself, "oh it's a dress."

Maddie giggled "Shoulda seen Lyke burning up the dance floor."

"Yeah," Kat drawled, "Liv was grinding on anything that moved cause she had too much vodka. And Skye was actually dancing...sort of."

Skye sniffed "What do you mean sort of? I was dancing you jerk."

"Oh god," Kat sighed, "meet drunk Liv and drunk Skye."

Liv groaned "I think I'm going to be sick."

"God you're such a let down," Maddie laughed.

Demi frowned "Where's Meg?"

"Here," Meg smiled, passing Liv water, "drink it, you too Skye."

Skye snorted then tipped the water over herself, Liv did the same, Meg face palmed "The idea was to drink it."

"We needed coooooling down," Liv giggled, "cause we're just too damn hot."

Brook chuckled "This is actually funny."

"Maddie," Ali hissed as Maddie started kissing her. And then they were making out, Skye frowned "You know Liv I hate not having fun."

Liv pouted "Downside to being in a relationship. Add that to the list."

"Okie," Skye said typing on her phone.

"You made a list of the downsides to being in a relationship?" Mikey laughed, "you two are great."

Liv snorted "it's a pros and cons list."

"...Liv how is 'free food and presents' a con?" Skye frowned.

Liv said "You get spoiled, that and you can hardly turn down a meal if they're paying."

"Order a salad then or something with less calories." Skye snorted scrolling down, "and how the hell is 'free clothes' a plus?"

Liv snorted "You and I both know even when you and Andy weren't dating, you nicked his jackets."

"I also nicked Mikey's beanies, and jackets...come to think of it I've nicked something off all of them." Skye mused.

Liv frowned "What of Rye and Jack?"

"Jack's hoodie," Skye said, "and one of Rye's tops, it had a tie dye effect,"

Liv raised a brow "Even I haven't nicked any of Rye's stuff and he's my boyfriend."

"Well isn't that a shame," Skye snorted, "personally I recommend Andy's jackets, they're comfy, and Mikey's beanies. Personal faves."

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