Chapter 14

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We'd finished tour now, and we'd not seen the girls in nearly a month now, walking into the flat we found Blair waiting for us smiling he said "So you all had a bit of a crazy ride?"

"No kidding," Andy said.

Blair looked at him chuckling "You should hear the girls in the studio, they sound awesome."

Jack said "Is Demi with them?"

"Someone has a crush," Brook teased causing Jack to go red.

Andy chuckled "Wow,"

"HELLOOOOO?!" Liv yelled coming through, "I come with pizza, and two idiots with me."

Demi snorted "I'm not the idiot, Skye is."

"I'll be the cute idiot, and you can be the annoying idiot." Skye giggled appearing with her guitar over her shoulder.

Blair looked at her "You all set?"

"Wait what?" Andy said.

Liv laughed coming over to hug me "We're busy bees,"

"You're my bee," I mumbled kissing her softly, and also generally taking my sweet time making out with her.

I heard Demi say "I think they're cuter."

"I'm offended." Skye said indiginitly.

Demi snorted "You and Andy practically take each others clothes off,"

"How rude," Skye said, "I wouldn't do that to him with an audience," there was a pause breaking apart we saw Skye wink at Demi then finish "then again its highly tempting."

Demi sighed "You're so dirty."

"I know right, and to think I was the innocent one once," Skye snickered.

Demi stared at her "Right sure, over my dead body."

"Oh really, that's easily arranged if Jack would just look at you you'll be on the floor dyin-" Skye paused as Demi was glaring at her "Do you have a filter?"

Skye grinned "No I lost my filter a while back, you should see me with one of our other mates Maddie,"

"No you shouldn't," Liv laughed leaning into me, "they will literally start talking about sex positions and oral sex in front of you."

Demi stared at Skye "You know I thought you were the innocent one out of you and Liv, now...I can't even look at you the same way."

"Oh Demi," Liv laughed, "you're gonna love living with us."

Skye winked "Its great,"

"Hey...this changes Christmas tradition." Liv said.

Skye looked at Liv then the two girls looked from Demi to Jack and back again. Liv smirked "Nah,"

"My thoughts exactly," Skye hummed, "I mean lets be real those two may possibly be worse than me and Fovvs,"

"Lord have mercy on our eyes," Liv laughed, Demi frowned "I'm so lost."

I chuckled, Demi may be lost but we weren't and neither was Jack as he was bright red. Demi frowned "Wait what's your tradition?"

"Girls Christmas, just me and Liv," Skye smiled sitting on the sofa.

Liv sitting on Mikey's bunk said amused "Of course it won't be a problem with you, as you will probably go with Jack to his family Christmas...I mean we have how long Skye?"

"7 months give or take," Skye replied.

Liv grinned "Oh you see what I see?"

"No I don't." Demi whined.

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