Chapter 24

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Brook POV

Walking outside there was press everywhere, to be honest it was overwhelming, at first I wondered why they 'd want to talk to us. Then I realised they were after Skye, Liv shouldered her way to block their way to Skye, Demi moved to flank her other side. That one act, said a million words, a reporter yelled "Skye! Skye over here! How does it feel having told millions your story?"

"Skye darling tell us what was it like knowing your parents didn't care?" another said and it was never-ending. Blair had managed to get us out, we were across the road watching, he frowned "Where are they?"

"Here," Demi said as they appeared, Skye glanced at Liv who smiled "It'll get worse before it gets better."

Skye chuckled "Isn't that always the way?"

"Yeah," Demi said.

Liv glanced at her "Jack."

"Yeah?" Jack said.

Skye grinned "You owe me Jack, so now you and Demi are going to go to Nando's."

"What about you guys?" Demi said slowly.

Liv stared at her "Demi shut up and go with Jack, we'll be there in like an hour."

They left. Skye smirked "God we're so smart."

"Well you are, I bring the looks." Liv joked, Skye elbowed her laughing "Watch it you."

Liv snickered "Young love eh?"

"We're hardly old." Skye snorted as she linked arms with Liv, they were walking ahead, still chatting away, we were following listening and watching amused.

Liv scoffed "Girl we're 20. We'll be 21 this year..."

"Shush don't say it," Skye giggled.

Liv snorted "We'll be 30 and Demi the lucky bugger will be 27."

"...Andy will be 33 and Rye 32. I think that's scarier...knowing all the boys bar Brook and Jack with be in their 30's." Skye said quietly.

Liv glanced at her "Agreed. Having said that, they'll probably still act like teenagers."

"True," Skye laughed.

Skye's phone went off, answering she laughed "Demi slow didn't?! Oh my god Demi, way to leave him hanging, just say yes."

Skye laughed "Its really that simple, we'll see you two lovebirds in a bit."

Hanging up Liv said dryly "She left him?"

"He asked her to be his girlfriend, and she blurted out that she needed the loo," Skye snickered, "oh look."

Sure enough Jack and Demi were walking towards us, holding hands I might hand. Jack grinned and then spinning Demi towards him kissed her, Liv said "I don't know how I feel they're the kids."

"...yeah and look at them go." Skye laughed hitting Liv playfully, Liv rolled her eyes, pulling apart Demi said staring at him "Wow..."

Skye laughed "Can we get the quoted please? Demi said 'wow...' after a heated kiss with Jack Duff. I need this in a t-shirt."

"You know what this means," Liv smirked, wrapping an arm round Skye, "Demi gets to be mercilessly teased."

Skye shrieked "We need to tell the girls!"

"Oh my lord yes!" Liv laughed both girls got their phones out, Demi said dryly "They seem more excited by this than either of us."

Jack shrugged "They're easy to please."

"I resent that." Liv said shooting Jack a look.

Kat appeared "Yes we were following you."

"You were what?!" Demi shrieked eyes wide.

Meg and Maddie tackled her in a hug "Jemi is real!"

Kat drawled "This calls for drinking,"

"I'm in," Liv laughed, Demi said "You're getting drunk? To celebrate me and Jack getting together?"

Maddie laughed kissing her cheek "Of course we are, we'd say you could join in, but you should spend some quality time with your boi. Blair can we kidnap them?"

"You're going clubbing aren't you?" he sighed.

Rye said "You're not all 21."

"Babe," Liv laughed, "Skye and I have hit the clubs at 16."

Blair chuckled "I don't think that helps."

Maddie raised a brow "Well 2 out of 5 us ar dating, not countig Demi cause she's not coming clubbing."

"Yeah are you two even gonna dance?" Meg taunted.

Liv raised a brow "If I'm drunk then yes."

"Drunk or sober, the music is my place." Skye drawled, "and Liv...£20 Maddie gets laid."

"You're on." Liv laughed as they high fived, Maddie flushed "I hate you."

Skye smiled "Nah you love us really,"

"Hold up you're actually going out to a club?" Demi said eyes wide.

They turned to her, Liv raised a brow "If you want to come you got to stick by Kat."

"Why Kat?" Demi asked curiously.

Kat laughed "I'm the sober one. The others get wasted and burn up the dance floor. So you can come but you gotta stick with me,"

"But I'm not even 18." Demi frowned.

Skye tutted ruffling her hair "Live a little, its fun."

"Craaaaaazy fun." Maddie hooted, "ok girls, what are the rules for those three who are dating?"

Liv said amused "I think you mean for Skye,"

"Excuse you," Skye laughed, "I hit on girls when drunk."

"We know." Meg laughed.

Liv smirked "Hey Demi,"


Liv grinned "Skye's the flirt out of us all."

Skye said "Well I'm gonna flirt my way back to the flat,"

"We're sharing a car." Liv laughed.

Skye raised a brow "You mean we were."

"FLIRT GET BACK!" Liv yelled chasing after her.

Andy sighed "You think they'll still be like this in 10 years?"

"Yeah I do," Rye laughed.


Yeah I know its kinda short, forgive me ok, I got sidetracked and then I was like oh well this chapter works and I didn't realise it was less than 1k ok! Anyway I've had a shitty day today and so now I'm gonna watch YouTube (namely the boys vlogs) before going to bed. I'm sorry if this chapter sucks, but erm Jemi are official, and yes Demi there will be  recount of the date next chapter or so somehow...

~ Chloe

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