Chapter 58

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Sherry POV

It was 7pm now and it was pitch black outside. We were currently eating food whilst trying not to panic, it had been over an hour since Maddie rang Kat, knowing that both of their phones were dead didn't exactly help any of us feel better. Particularly not Andy or Mikey who weren't eating, they were that worried, Mikey said "Can't we just go and look for them?"

"We don't know where they went," Rye said quietly he was leaning on Liv, who was stroking his hair gently.

Liv closed her eyes "I hope he stays away from them."

"...its dark and they're without us." Maddie said softly looking at Liv, "they could very well run into trouble."

Andy stood up and went off upstairs, Mikey following. Meg sighed "I wish there was something we could do. Its so hard seeing them like this."

"They'll be alright." I said softly, everyone turned to me, I snorted "Skye and Kat are nasty when provoked, they'll be alright."

Maddie and Liv shared a look, and I knew then they were reassured. Tonight was going to be a long night of waiting. Brook pulled me closer and whispered "Do you think they'll be alright?"

"Yeah I believe in those two." I replied kissing his cheek.


We were somewhere that's for sure. With it being dark we had no idea where we were, all we knew was we were on the streets now, Skye tugged me to a stop "Look, its nearly 8pm."

"Great," I sighed, "its freezing and-"

Cue the rain. Skye looked at me " that we're soaked I suggest we head that way, and hope we don't freeze into ice cubes out here."

"Trust us two to get lost." I sighed laughing as we made our way through the rain.

Andy POV

It was now half 8 and quite honestly I wanted to be outside in the downpour trying to find Skye and Kat, not in here watching Sherry and Liv bicker over if Sherry could go into town with Brook tomorrow. Sherry sighed "I don't see what the problem is."

"Sherry, my answer is no. You're dating him, isn't that enough?" Liv replied.

Sherry growled "So if you weren't allowed to go on dates with Rye, would you be ok with that?"

"Well no-"

"My point exactly." she snapped, despite the fact Skye and Kat were missing, it was amusing watching the sisters argue.

Theo sighed "Are you two done?"

"What's that supposed to mean?!" both shrieked and both stood up.

Theo raised a brow "It means you're acting like 7 year olds."

"So what if we are." Liv snapped, "you act like a 7 year old too."

"Liv," Theo sighed, "really? Just let her go."

Liv narrowed her eyes on him "And what changed your mind?"

"She's 14." Theo said, "let her live her life."

"Yeah, he has a point." Sherry said looking to Liv who snorted "Fine. But you can take Skye and Andy with you."

I frowned "Why Skye and I?"

"Because she wanted to give them a chance, plus you two need a date."

"I think we should get lost more often, if it means they actually work arguments out." a voice said dryly.

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