Chapter 11

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Skye POV

We were on our way back to the hotel when Cole pulled me off to browse in some shop, sighing I looked at the clothes in annoyance, all I wanted was to get back to Andy. Not look at clothes with Cole. He reappeared and chuckled "We're good to go now."

"Took you long enough," I chuckled, we went outside and realised with the rain pouring down that it was raining. Screaming we ran to the hotel, getting in I breathed heavily "I am now soaked you jerk. Was that top really that important?"

"Well..." Cole smiled at me, stepping closer to me, I remembered last night when I'd turned away so he only kissed my cheek. This time I didn't stand a chance, this boy knew what he wanted and even if I tried to avoid it, he'd keep chasing. When his lips met mine I froze totally, and when I tried to pull away he wrapped his arms round me pulling me towards him. Its like he didn't care I was dating, or that I was very much not enjoying this kiss. My heart was beating a mile a minute as I tried to pull away. Finally he let me go and looked at me "You gonna tell me that wasn't fun?"

"No it wasn't." I breathed wiping my lips, Cole narrowed his eyes on me. Turning round I saw Liv, and the boys stood there. Andy well I saw his back, the other boys were clearly confused whilst Liv didn't know who to kill first me or Cole.

Cole leaned in "I wonder if he'll still want you now,"

"You're the one who kissed me," I spat spinning to him, he raised a brow "You didn't pull away."

I was so damn close to punching him when Liv said calmly "Skye c'mon, lets go,"

I let her pull me away, stumbling slightly she hissed "What was that?"

"He kissed me, and when I tried to pull away he pulled me to him, trapping me and I couldn't break it. Not until he wanted to," I hissed back, eyes brimming with tears I looked at Liv who met my gaze "Go. I have no idea what he's thinking, but go, I know you don't lie."

Rushing past her and the boys to the rooms, I went into Andy's he spun to face me and I saw so many emotions in his face, he said roughly "Don't Skye. Don't even try to explain how it was him and not you, how you tried to pull away. I don't want to hear it."

"You're not gonna let me explain?" I asked hurt, confused and a mess, he looked at me and there was anger in his eyes he said "You kissed him, and I was there to see it. I don't see how you can explain that you didn't kiss him."

"I didn't." I said, "he kissed me, I froze and when I tried to pull away, he pulled me closer and I could break it. He trapped me in his hold..."

The look he gave me hurt, so much, he said quietly "You promised you wouldn't kiss another guy, YOU PROMISED SKYE!" his voice reached crescendo.

"I didn't kiss him! He kissed me!" I yelled back, "I wouldn't break a promise Andy, please."

He glared at me "You broke your promise, hurt me and honestly expect me to still want to be with you?"

It was like a thousand knives had been stabbed through my heart, soul. Or I was underwater but powerless to everything, drowning, Cole's words echoed in my head 'I wonder if he'll still want you now,' Looking at Andy I said "You don't want me?"

"No I can't even look at you." he snapped looking away.

Light, darkness, so many emotions, he walked out but not before he said "We're over."

Leaving I slid down the wall, it was a kiss that I never wanted, a kiss that he saw and didn't even believe me when I said I didn't want it. That I tried to stop it, I didn't realise I was crying until water landed on my jeans. Everything was for nothing. I'd lost my boyfriend and one of my best friends in less than 10 minutes. Liv appeared "Hey doll, I called Blair, he agreed that we can ditch this tour thing. Hey," she looked at me, "I know it hurts but he'll come round. And when he's calmed down he'll listen,"

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