Chapter 60

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Bella POV

Glancing at my phone I knew I'd be pushing it close, walking into the flat I breathed out in relief, no Kat. Too busy with Mikey probably, or the wedding. Grabbing my laptop I went back onto the site, and reread the comments.

Can you believe that Brook would date her? I mean she looks like a kid, he deserves better.

I'd say she should wear make up, but I'm not sure it could fix this ugly mug

Ugh she's what younger than 16 that's for sure. Its ridiculous.

And the comments continued on like this, sighing I knew what had to be done. Grabbing my phone I flipped through my contacts till I found Skye's...when something was wrong you called Skye or Kat. If you need advice for relationships or for life you wanted Meg or Liv. And if you needed someone to remind you that everything will be ok you wanted Maddie.

Andy POV

Liv was currently yelling at Maddie and Meg about dresses and stuff, whilst the rest of us chilled and watched TV. Skye was curled up next to me, she'd actually fallen asleep for once, when her phone went off. Groaning she picked it up and mumbled "Hello?...yes. Bella?"

Any trace of tiredness seem to vanish from her, as she listened to what Bella had to say, Skye swore "You're sure? Ok email it to Blair and then me, thanks Bella."

Hanging up she yelled "LIV GET IN HERE!"

"Little busy with wedding plans!" Liv sang.

Skye growled "NOW! ITS IMPORTANT!"

Silence and Liv appeared "What did Bella want?"

"C'mere," Skye said as they went to her laptop, whatever they saw made Liv look capable of murder likewise with Skye.

Theo wandered over and his face darkened "Bella found this?"

"She found similar ones relating to me," Skye sighed, "she's emailed it to Blair."

Sherry appeared paint on her face, I smiled seeing how Brook looked ready to tackle her in a hug and kiss her, reminds me of Skye and I. She frowned "Whatcha looking at?"

Walking over she scanned what was on the screen, Liv wrapped an arm round her "This, this is why baby girl."

"But I have to grow up one day...and you both get comments like that." Sherry replied softly.

Skye snorted "Actually our comments are mix of hate, a few death threats and then love and support. Its highly confusing."

The door opened, Blair and Bella walked in, Sherry glanced to Bella who placed her laptop down, Liv beelined for it, her and Bella began whispering and scrolling through. Blair sighed "Liv, Theo?"

"Why do they hate their own lives so much?" Sherry whispered leaning against Skye who glanced to her, smiling she said "Who knows,"

Liv frowned "Theo?"

"No. We're not causing her more pain by forcing them to not date. That's stupid." Theo said looking to Liv, who nodded "Agreed...hey Skye someone said you need to let Andy go, cause he can do better than you."

I frowned but before I could say anything Skye said "Are they offering? Cause if you reply and let them know I'll fight them for it, we'll see who wins."

"What does the winner get?" Sherry giggled, Skye smirked "Andy."

Theo snorted "So you're the winner."

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