Chapter 44 (prt 2)

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Sherry raised a brow "You all look eager to quiz us."

"What were they like?" Demi asked suddenly.

Theo raised a brow "Liv or Skye?"

"Both." Jack said.

They exchanged a look, Eddie was asleep in Susie's arms, all the parents were here as well, my little brothers were cuddled with me. Sherry coughed "Skye is the complete opposite to what she used to be."

"Really?" I asked.

Theo chuckled "She was a lot colder, reserved and didn't talk openly. She rarely laughed unless she was with Liv."

"Can you blame her?" Sherry glowered, "she was protecting Quinn and her parents for some bizarre reason they both wanted to protect them. But she also didn't trust people, she didn't talk to us willingly until we'd known her for nearly a year. But once we broke through the first layer..."

Susie smiled "It was endless, to see a teenager so full of anger, love, fear and longing and not knowing who to trust who to turn to. I suppose being with us helped her,"

"No kidding," Theo snorted, "lets be real Ma she'd not be here if it weren't for you, Quinn and Liv."

Susie raised a brow "No. She'd not be here if she didn't fight it, she's not just her past, her mistakes or her appearance. She's so much more than that, her love of books, writing and music is perhaps the only time you'll see her truly let go and let the walls down."

"What about Liv?" Sammie asked.

Theo smirked "She's a pain in my ass, always bossed me about even Sherry."

"She just liked to be in control, only time she lets loose is with Skye, in case you hadn't noticed brother they're lost without the other." Sherry smiled, "soul sisters is rather fitting for those two."

Demi frowned "But there was a time when they didn't have each other,"

"Yes," Sherry said glancing over at us playing with her hair she finally said, "Liv's my older sister, always will be and I love her to bits. But growing up, she was so energetic once moment and the next she was having a meltdown over something not being in the exact place she left it. Or she swore her finger was infected once, she was 11...she wouldn't stop cleaning it. And then it was her hands, she has OCD, and its not just neatness. Its not pretty when she relapses, because it consumes her Demi, and it ruins her normal life. Why do you think they have a routine, traditions? Despite what jokes people made and make on OCD being neatness and not a big deal. Its so much more than that. But you've never met that side of Liv, and when you'll understand why they have certain things."

Theo looked troubled "I suppose you could say, Skye calmed Liv because she knew what it was like to feel like there was something wrong with yourself."

"She takes meds for it," Susie said quietly, "but from what I'd guess she won't take them in front of you guys."

We all exchanged a look and just then the door opened. "They gave us cake, best day ever."

The girls were back. Liv came in and raised a brow "Oh god what have you been telling them?"

"...briefly about your OCD." Sherry said finally.

Liv stilled, Skye appeared "Livia move your ass."

"Why were you talking about my OCD?" Liv asked.

Skye stilled and glared at Sherry before grabbing Liv "Move, let it go."

"No I-" Liv broke off as she met Skye's gaze, who said softly "Let it go Liv,"

Sighing she went to the kitchen and we heard the chopping of vegetables, which then paused as Liv reappeared and said "Someone moved the microwave."

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