Chapter 50

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Sherry POV

We arrived at the airport, Blair was laughing at Liv who was talking non-stop, Meg and Jake looked ready to hit her. Rye and the boys were all trying not to laugh at her, then she screamed and took off running. There was a yell, Kat was there clutching her stomach, Maddie was recording whilst laughing "There's nothing quite like being missed."

"Anyone would think it had been three years, not three weeks." Morgan said dryly as Skye and Liv rolled around on the airport floor.

Liv cried "Next time I'm going with you."

"Mate I'll kidnap you if I have to." Skye laughed, "oh my god your crying."

"Shut up, I'm emotional." Liv laughed, Skye giggled "Did you miss me girlie?"

"I even missed your weird book references, and your book buying." Liv smiled as they got up.

Kat hugged Meg "Nice to see you girl,"

"Likewise," Meg grinned as she then hugged Maddie.

Morgan raised a brow "Skye, are you forgetting Andy?"

Skye glared at him "Here's how I forget Andy."

I smirked when she went over to Andy and full on kissed him, Liv chuckled "Oh damn."

"There's kids guys." Rye laughed as it got heated, Andy pulling her closer to him. They broke away and Skye glanced at Morgan "Just imagine if I remembered jerk."

Kat choked "Oh Liv, you're in for a treat."

"Skye's best mates with me and Morgan." Rick smirked, Skye flipped her hair at him and leaving Andy came and hugged me "Help me."

"He's alright." I giggled hugging her back, she whined "Wait till you see them make out."

I smirked "Are they that bad?"

"Its weird...I don't like it. Plus Mads and Morgan are like rivalling Jemi for not being able to keep their hands off each other." she whispered pulling out of the hug we saw that Maddie and Morgan were kissing as was Kat and Rick.

Skye threw her hands up "Home turf, I am leaving couple central."

"Haha, I brought your bike down by the way," Meg smirked at Skye whose eyes lit up, hugging Meg she grinned "Thank you."

"Aren't you just heading back?" Rye frowned.

I raised a brow, as Skye, Liv and I shared a look, Liv sighed "Be back in time for dinner."

"Love you!" Skye and I chorused, she hugged the other boys, kissed Andy again then grabbing my hand we took off running. Her suitcases of course were left with the others. Because we had amazing friends. Getting outside, we made it to her bike, I got the helmet and put it on. She slipped her shades on, looking at me she grinned "You ready?"

"I was born ready Skye." I laughed, slipping on behind her.

Brook POV

We'd made it outside to watch them leave, Liv and Andy carrying Skye's stuff. We stopped to watch Sherry slide on behind her, you could hear the bike start up and they were off. Sherry holding onto Skye as they took off to god knows where. Rye glanced at Liv amused "Where are they going?"

Liv shrugged "I don't know, I never asked."

"Why?" Demi frowned as we all split back up again.

Liv, Rye, Demi, Jack, Andy and me were with Blair. Meg was driving Violet it seemed with the others in. Andy shot gun, I was at the end of Liv and Rye, Jack and Demi in the back. Blair said "Probably because sometimes its nice for those two to just have something that's theirs."

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