Chapter 47

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I couldn't believe it had been a week already, Skye was sharing my room and Mads bunked with my brother. I still found that weird, but then again if they're happy who am I to get in their way.

"Kat?" Skye yelled coming into my bedroom with a tub of ice cream and two spoons, I smiled "God yes please. I'm about to go cuckoo if I have to do anymore editing,"

"I know the feeling," Skye smiled and joining me on the bed passed me a spoon, I asked her "How's it been? I mean you've not talked to them in a week, and whenever they've Skyped us..."

Skye glanced at me "Yeah thanks for covering me, I just...I miss them all so much. And if I see them, I'll just miss them so much more Kat."

"I get that," I smiled eating some ice cream, Morgan and Maddie appeared, both looking like they were after something.

Maddie asked "Morgan wants to come back with us."

"...ok." I frowned, "but he'll have to work if he's going to live there."

My brother smiled "That's no problem sis, just I don't exactly know where I'll be living."

"You can share Mads' room in the flat," I said, glancing at Skye who raised a brow "He'll have to, I think Sherry's going to have the basement eventually, and obviously Meg and you have the other two rooms."

Maddie smiled "Thanks girlies."

They disappeared again. Skye shot me a look "Well...its great whilst it lasts."

"My thoughts exactly," I grumbled, "now then what do you say to a Harry Potter marathon?"

Skye grinned "Bring it on baby."

Brook POV

Liv had started up Skype when a call came in, answering it we all looked over to see Maddie and Morgan there. Liv raised a brow "Yes?"

"Morgan's coming back with us Liv!" Maddie squealed.

Sherry raised a brow and glanced at me, then said "So you and Morgan huh?"

"Yeah," Maddie smiled, Morgan chuckled kissing her cheek he said "I'll be back, I'm going out to sort some stuff out."

"Ok," Maddie said, he left and she yelled "INCOMING!"

We heard a shriek, Kat laughed "Well there goes your plan of avoiding Skype."

"I know," Skye sighed as she moved up on the bed, Maddie sat down with the laptop and sighed "For real you two? Its sunny, perfect for a beach day, and you two have the blinds drawn. And are having a Harry Potter marathon. What are you bats?"

Kat drawled "I'd rather be a bat than a lobster."

"Amen," Skye smirked, "that and we have ice cream."

Maddie giggled "I have Morgan."

"Ewwww!" Kat squealed, Skye scrunched her nose up in disgust "Did not need to know that."

Maddie smiled "Sorry. Seriously though, you should join me and Morgan, we're going to the beach a bit later."

"Skye didn't pack her bikini." Kat said automatically.

Skye snorted "I don't even own a bikini."

"See, we can't possibly go now." Kat smiled as she had another scoop of ice cream, glancing around I smiled at how content everyone was at watching them.

Maddie raised a brow "Firstly there's this place called a supermarket, secondly, what have you got to lose?"

"Skye what are you looking for?" Kat giggled.

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