Chapter 53

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Getting a cuppa I sat down in the lounge in the flat, everyone was over at the house, I'd said I needed to talk to Rick. And we talked...and the relationship was over. Sighing I sipped my tea and contemplated reading, my phone pinged.

Skye: Where's you at?

Kat: At the flat...not feeling like socialising

Skye: What did the prick do?

I started sobbing, was I just not meant to be happy? Was I meant to be alone forever? I mean, the only relationship that felt right was with Mikey but we've both moved on and are good friends now. I can't seem to find anyone.

Kat: He broke up with me...Skye am I just unlovable? I managed a relationship once, with Mikey. And since then its like no one wants me...or cares.

Skye: Kat, the right guy will be there and he will want you so much that it hurts him to want you like he will. I promise you, you'll find someone.

Kat: Come over? I need a partner in crime to eat junk food with...and I don't feel like telling Maddie just yet.

Skye: Sure gimme 15 mins

Kat: Ok...

Sherry POV

I was painting in the lounge, whilst the others were chatting away, Maddie sighed "I really do hope Kat's here soon. Speaking of which where's Skye?"

"Bedroom," Andy said without looking up from his phone.

Maddie eyed him "Uh-huh and why aren't you joining her in the bedroom?"

"...are you implying that I should go join Skye," Andy said smirking slightly, "so we can get it on whilst you lot are downstairs?"

Maddie winked "No time like the present."

He threw a cushion at her "Get lost Maddie."

"Oh c'mon, we've all noticed the dip in yous making out. Don't you want to?" Maddie smirked.

Andy fixed her with a look "Sure, but not whilst knowing you're all downstairs, it'd be weird."

"And what about your lack of making out, and cuddling?" Maddie pressed.

Meg rolled her eyes "What are you on? A mission to figure out why they're not making out all the time?"

"Maybe," Maddie sniffed, there was a bang from the kitchen. Liv called out "You ok Skye?"

Skye came through, Liv eyed her "Well you look like hell...and you're going out? Where to?"

"Kat and I are going to have a movie marathon," Skye said.

Maddie yelled "Aren't you gonna kiss your boy goodbye?"

Skye glanced at Maddie, like Liv I could see the redness she'd mostly covered up with make up. If you didn't know her like we did, you'd have thought she was fine, and that she hadn't been crying. Demi also was staring hard at her, lips pressed into a thin line, I suppose she knew the tricks too as she used them. Maddie raised a brow "Well? He's waiting."

Liv coughed "Nightmare?"

Skye tilted her head to the side watching Liv before saying "And more...I'll see you later."

She left. Without kissing Andy goodbye, frowning I continued painting, but an idea was already forming. If she was having these nightmares about Andy breaking up with her then the easiest thing would be to tell him. As for the 'more' part...shooting my sister a look I said "Liv can I borrow your paints?"

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