Chapter 55 (prt 2)

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Brook POV

I was curled up with Andy on the sofa, it was 1pm, Liv and Rye were talking whilst watching some movie. Theo had left for work earlier, Eddie was colouring, in fact thinking about Liv's family had basically moved in.

"Sherry?" Liv said bolting upright.

Glancing at Sherry I smiled weakly, I still felt sick, and had thrown up 4 times since this morning. But seeing her made me feel better, her hair had been thrown into a high pony tail at some point .Just then Theo also came in "Sherry why are you back early? Oh god did you get into a fight."

Sherry's eyes widened, Skye called "I called in to pick her up."

"Skye." Theo and Liv whined.

Andy raised a brow, it was like by Skye being involved it was no longer Sherry's fault. Speaking of Sherry she was sat on Andy's side, Andy leaned to her "Does Skye take the fall for you all the time?"

"...yes." Sherry said, "she won't rat me out though. She'll just deal with Theo and Liv being annoying."

"Skye you can't just bail her out of school if she's having a bad day," Theo sighed.

Liv said "Her education is important. You know this, she's on a scholarship there, she can't afford to have low attendance."

"My god," Skye said staring at them both, "I'll dye my hair red and go in her place if it makes you feel better."

Theo said dryly "Don't be a smartass."

"Bite me Theo," Skye challenged, "you already lost."

Liv sighed "He has, cause he's a guy,"

"Oi I didn't use one ounce of charm." Skye said shoving Liv who smirked at her "Really cause 'bite me' is your typical flirty line."

Skye raised a brow "Careful there, you saying I was flirting with your brother?"

"Theo you're red." I laughed, causing him to redden even more.

Liv raised a brow "No, please no."

"You didn't know?" Skye smirked, "shame on you."

"SKYE! He's my brother!" Liv shrieked whacking her but she was smiling, apparently me being home early was forgotten in favour for if Skye and Theo had ever had a thing.

Theo said slowly "Liv it wasn't like we were dating."

"No stop, I think that makes it worse. You were making out...oh my god that Christmas party when you both went outside!" Liv gasped, "stop laughing Skye."

"Your face," Skye howled, "oh my god."

Theo smirked slightly "Sis it happened years ago."

"Yeah, and I'm only finding out now my brother and best friend were kissing and making out. Do you know how weird that is?" Liv said staring at them both.

Theo raised a brow "So you clearly don't want to know what happened on my birthday."

"NO!" Liv shrieked, she looked mortified, I found it hilarious, even Andy found it funny which was a good thing.

Skye purred "It was hella fun."

"I'm leaving and disowning you both!" Liv wailed going into the kitchen.

Theo glanced at Skye smirking slightly "Think she'll ever look at us the same?"

"Give her time, when she's forgotten we can kindly remind her again." Skye snickered.

Theo laughed "Coulda been worse."

"Mate, you may have been hot," Skye laughed, "but I wouldn't have slept with you."

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