Chapter 59

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Sherry POV

Bella and I were in the lounge watching TV, because what else were we meant to do at 7am? She sighed "I can't believe I'm going to be a mum."

"Well that's what happens when you have sex, and the sperm meets the egg," I snorted looking at her, she pulled a funny face at me "Yeah I know, its just well, my parents have kicked me out. I checked my phone and they want me to move out. I have nowhere to go, and I'm 16 in a week."

"Why didn't you tell me!" I whisper yelled, "well I mean I don't know...I could ask Liv and Skye if you could stay here."

"I don't want to be a hassle." Bella frowned.

Kat appeared her hair was ruffled from sleep she mumbled "Are you forgetting Sherry, that Meg and Mads are getting married? Also Meg and Jake bought a house, it closer to the centre of London, but it does mean they're moving out of the flat. Maddie and Morgan I believe are also looking at places to rent. Demi's basically moved in with Duff, so the flat needs some residents."

"But we can't live there without an adult." I frowned.

Kat smiled "I'll ask your sister and Skye,"

"You don't have to do this for me," Bella said quickly.

Skye appeared "Don't have to do what?"

"Your old flat," Kat said, "is going to be empty when the happy couples fly the coop. Bella's folks kicked her out, and she has nowhere to stay."

Skye raised a brow "And you're thinking her and Sherry could go and live at the flat? And which one of us is going to be living with them?"

"I'll do it," Kat smiled.

Skye chuckled "What about Mikey?"

"We're not joined at the hip." Kat smiled, "but seriously, I'll live in your old room."

Skye glanced to me "Bella can yes, Liv won't let Sherry go though. However I do need more room,"

"Room for what?" I frowned.

Skye winked "I'll use one of the rooms as a library. I think Andy's terrified the books will attack him in the night. That and when liv and I leave, I don't think he deserves to be terrified of books falling over or you know...ruining their order. At least if I create a library, Kat can guard them."

"You know what we should do," Kat mused, "transfer all our videos and vlogs from our channels onto a joint account. Since I'm still vlogging, but you've gone more into blogging now."

Skye nodded "Awesome idea. I'm loving this plan."

"You're turning your lives inside out to fit me in it?" Bella gaped.

Skye glanced at her "My dad was a drunken waste of space, I suffered a lot of abuse at his hands and my mum didn't really care she was having an affair. You remind me of me Bella, you'll do whatever takes to survive but you'll do it on your own until someone like Sherry comes along and reminds you that friends are there to help."

"Thank you." Bella smiled as she flung herself at Skye her eyes widened before she hugged her back "It'll get better, and when you have this baby, you've got us here to help you. You're not on your own anymore Bella."

Kat chuckled "If we're going to start on this, we best start packing you books up."

"You make a list of what we need to do, Bella you'll obviously need to get your stuff. And we'll have to see when Meg and Mads are moving out." Skye frowned.

Andy grumbled "Its half 7, and you all look like your preparing for war."

"Sorry babe," Skye said, "we didn't wake you did we?"

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