Chapter 20

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The fans had left us on the roof of the car park, Liv and Skye were stood leaning at the railing, the wind playing with their hair and you could tell they were talking. Brook said quietly "She really believes that?"

Demi looked at him then up at the sky, I said softly "Demi?"

Everyone looked at her, curious as she too had been abused, but she seemed to know the difference. Demi sighed leaning against Jack "Mum told me the right from wrong. Skye didn't have that, did she? Her parents were shit and she's gonna be suffering for the rest of her life from it. There's no cure to this," Demi paused as Liv and Skye reappeared.

Liv raised a brow "No cure to what?"

"...what do you think?" Demi said bitterly, "we all break Olivia, and somehow we piece ourselves back together. But we will never be the same, and we can't just be normal, Skye and I will always be affected by our abuse. Maybe it'll fade with time, but we'll keep having flashbacks, and we'll replay certain moments over and over. Wondering if there was anything, that we could have done to stop it."

Skye said quietly "Demi leave it."

"...fine." Demi snapped, "but this will destroy you Skye. Love isn't what your dad and that prick did to you. Love is what you have with Andy...and that love should be treasured always. Because no one deserves to be a punch bag,"

We watched Demi get up and leave, Meg said "Skye?"

"What?" Skye snapped her eyes widened and she muttered "Sorry Megs..."

Meg looked at her curiously "What's wrong?"

"Ollie's possessive. Always has been and always will be, and I'm aware now that the relationship was unhealthy. But I don't particularly want to run into him...particularly not with Andy or one of the boys with me."

The boys all looked hurt, Andy in particular, Maddie said "Skye...that's kinda harsh."

"Hm?" Skye said her eyes refocusing again, she shook her head "He'll fight anyone who's near me...he didn't take my virginity, Andy did. You think he'll be happy? I don't want the boys getting hurt because of him, that's why. Ollie was manipulative, possessive and yet at the time all I saw was his supposed love for me."

Liv said "She's not joking, I saw Ollie make a mess of this guy who just hugged Skye one day."

"And if he found out what you and Andy are to each other, and what you've done?" Maddie asked softly.

Skye glanced at Maddie frowning "Then I'd not move out of his way...and I'd take every hit meant for Andy."

"Skye..." Meg said, "what would he do to Andy?"

Skye looked at Meg, and turned away walking over to Demi who was staring at the sunset. Rye asked "Liv?"

"Andy would be in hospital," Liv whispered, "and Skye will, as long as she lives, protect him from that. She'll protect us all, its in her nature."

I went to say something only to stop, as Demi and Skye were talking, Meg raised a brow "I wonder what they talk about,"

"Life," Liv smiled wryly, "they have a lot in common and a lot to learn from each other."

There was laughter and we all stood up, a group appeared, Liv's eyes darkened "Ollie..."

"Olivia." the guy at the front smirked, "where is she?"

Liv shrugged "She went home."

"Don't lie to me." he growled, glancing at the boys his gaze settled on Brook, who swallowed looking slightly scared. Ollie grinned "Oh she always has had a soft spot for those she's loyal to."

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