Chapter 28

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We were all tired, Demi had stayed to watch us, and we were shattered, it was now 6pm and we'd been at this for a good 5 hours if not more. Andy groaned "I'm beat."

"Same," Brook whined.

The door opened, Liv came in along with Skye they were in their normal clothes now, they also both had take away cups, Liv frowned as Skye shut the door "I still can't believe Chris thought she'd not find out."

Skye raised a brow "He's a guy, and he thinks about his next round of sex."

"But he's dating Mel," Liv sighed sipping her drink, "like seriously, loyalty is always nice."

Skye shook her head "Are they like officially dating?"

"Well he's not asked her to be his girlfriend...what?" Liv whined.

Skye scoffed "Then its not cheating is it? Plus Chris is great for a laugh, Mel is waaaaay to annoying."

"You don't like her cause she's a roadie, and we have to act like we don't know who the boys are." Liv snickered.

Skye sent her a withering look "If I had to listen to her babble on about how hot my boyfriend is and what she'd do to him, another minute before you rescued me, I would show her what she can do with her fantasies."

Liv choked and nearly spilt her coffee "I forget Andy's her favourite."

"I don't have a chance to," Skye muttered darkly.

Liv smirked "But isn't it sweet that she loves Andy?"

"...if she was saying what she'd do to Rye in bed, and how she'd kiss him, how she thinks he'd be as a kisser and so on. Would you really like me asking you that?" Skye drawled.

Liv raised a brow "Don't bother me, I don't get jelly as easily as you Taylor."

Skye snorted "Jealous, you ain't seen me jelly."

"No I am still waiting for that green eyed monster." Liv snickered.

Demi coughed "Hello we're also here."

"We know," Liv laughed, "besides Skye, just think you could always introduce Andy to Mel and let them have some time alone to chat."

Skye choked on her drink and spat it on the floor, Liv laughed "I'll take that as a no?"

"...over my dead body does she get anywhere near my boy." Skye said disappearing to find a paper towel.

Liv was laughing as she came over and hugged me, I said "You're winding her up on purpose aren't you?"

"Yep," Liv grinned, "and I gotta say, its tons of fun."

Skye came back through and looked ready to murder someone, as two girls came in, Liv smiled "Mel, Tasha,"

Mel was staring at Andy then turned to Skye "You could have told me you knew my future husband."

Skye regarded her slightly amused and irritated "You kiss him, I will make work hell for you."

"Why its not like you're dating." Mel frowned then paused eyes widening she shrieked and began shaking Skye "You're dating Andy! You little sneak, you never told me nothing! How could you!"

And Mel continued on, Skye looked ready to punch her, Mel pouted "Can I kiss his cheek?"

"No." Skye said flatly.

Mel looked at her "Can he kiss mine?"


"Can I hug him?"

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