Chapter 6

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Laughing we were back in the lounge the phone had been set down again and people were commenting about how likely it was Andy and Skye were making out. Rye laughed "I'd say pretty likely."

"ANDY!" we heard Skye shriek, and they appeared her short hair was still wet through as was his hair, she'd changed clothes but he'd thrown her over his shoulder. She wiggled in his hold "You muppet I will throw you back in that shower."

"Only if you come with me," Andy laughed rejoining us, as soon as Skye's feet touched the floor she ran for it. Andy laughed "We're not done with the yet babe."

"No but I'm not having you sit there soaking wet either," she snorted, disappearing.

I raised an eyebrow "Skye what are you doing?"

"Getting him a clean change of clothes," she replied voice muffled.

The comments were hilarious. Jack laughed "I agree Kate, clearly unknown to us and Liv he has spare clothes in Skye's room."

"In case I ended up crashing here," Andy defended his face slowly turning red.

Laughing I pinched his cheeks "You're all red."

"Get off Liv," he laughed batting me away.

Skye reappeared and Andy looked over at her "They're in my room, on my bed, go get changed. I do not want or need a cold from you."

"Yes Ma'am," Andy said walking past her, and what the roadies didn't see was the chaste kiss he gave her. I smirked at her "You look pissed."

She looked at me "Nope, but you're all gonna regret shoving us both in a cold shower."

"Skye you have supporters who are with you against us," Brook laughed.

Skye laughed "Wicked. Anyway, I gotta run now,"

"Huh you going to work for once in your life?" I joked.

She raised a brow "No, I've got to go do food shopping."

"What now, we're live." Mikey whined.

Skye laughed "This flat also needs food."

"Nah, you don't have to go yet," Andy laughed coming up behind her, snaking his arms round her waste she huffed "At least your no longer soaked."

He led her over to the sofa again, and we resumed our positions, Andy glanced up at her "Were you more concerned about me having a cold or you?"

"You, idiot, because I'll end up catching it." she laughed, "that and you'd be no fun."

Andy shook his head "Your so kind to me."

"Hey when your ill you end up wanting to cuddle me, it was the same way even before we began dating. Every damned cold I had was from you Mister," Skye said narrowing her eyes on him, "because you wanted someone to cuddle and no one else would go near you for fear of also being ill."

Andy grinned at her "3 years Skye,"

"And counting," she huffed, "so try not to get colds."

"But you're adorable when your flapping over me," he laughed as Skye slowly went red.

I laughed "Nina says you're adorable but stop embarrassing Skye, Andy."

"But she's cute when flushed," Andy teased, Skye sliding onto the sofa behind him wrapped her arms round his neck as Andy and Rye were sat on the sofa, the other three on the floor. Rye chuckled "Skye are you seriously hiding?"

BK2 - Together (RoadTripTV Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang