Chapter 3 (prt 1)

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It was 11am, when Blair came in and announced we were going with the girls for them to do covers in town. We all got ready, Andy and I of course putting in more effort than usual, cause its our girls. Mikey sighed "You've known them for 3 years, they really don't care."

"Liv does." Jack laughed, "Skye doesn't really give one for fashion Andy,"

Andy shrugged "Well I do."

"C'mon," Blair yelled, we arrived outside to see the girls stood chatting. Jack laughed as Andy stared at Skye, she was quirky for sure. She was wearing a cute hat, that perched on her hair, a chequered top and jeans, oh and boots. Honestly she looked more country than city, Liv on the other hand, jeans, crop top and trainers. And her hair was up in a ponytail, she looked like a city girl. Blair looked at them both "Skye what is that on your head?"

"Its my hat," Skye huffed, "and that thing on my back is my guitar. Anymore questions Blair?"

He smiled "Why are you dressed like a country girl?"

"Really?" Liv laughed, "I told you wearing the hat would only make it quirkier."

Skye shrugged "I don't give one about trends, I'll dress how I want,"

"Wait has Blair seen the tongue piercing?" Liv laughed, Blair sighed when Skye stuck her tongue out at him. He said "You are quirky. The only way to describe you."

"I need that on a t-shirt Liv," Skye grinned.

Liv shrugged hopping on a skateboard? Seriously where do they keep these things? Mikey sighed "Skye what else do you girls have, that we don't know about?"

"Erm..." she trailed off, as Liv decided to make the skateboard flip and she landed it.

Liv yelled "Run with me Skye!"

"I'm not fit enough for these antics!" Skye growled back but she caught up with Liv and ran alongside her. Liv whooped "And tomorrow we'll return to normalcy."

"What even is normal?" Skye joked as she hopped up on the wall, waiting for us.

Liv looked up at her "There is no normal..."

"Whoa you came crashing into my life

Thinking I'd let you in

I don't know where you thought you'd fit

In my not so normal life!" Skye randomly sung.

Liv nodded "Voice recorded,"

"Excellent now Blair, are we picking the songs or are you?" Skye grinned.

Blair raised a brow "All down to you two."

"Oh look isn't that one of the guys you work with?" Liv laughed as we saw a group of three guys walking on the other side of the road.

Skye swore "Yes it is," hopping down, just as the guy yelled "Hey Skye! You were amazing last night!"

"Yeah...thanks." she pursed her lips.

The other one said "We should duet more often, the customers loved it!"

"Don't hold your breath!" Skye yelled back, which caused him to blow her a kiss. Andy went over to her and hugged her from behind "You sang a duet, with him?"

"I sang several duets with him, arrogant ass." Skye grumbled leaning against Andy, he smirked as he nicked her hat.

"Hey gimme my hat back!" she whined, Andy laughed as she jumped up for it.

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