Chapter 21

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Maddie POV

A week had come and gone and it was as if everything that had happened hadn't. Skye refused to talk about it, and Demi also would leave the room if we brought it up. Today was a chill day, only we were missing Skye and Demi. Rye frowned "Where are they?"

"I thought they were in Skye's room," Liv sighed.

Speak of the devils, they walked in both were quiet, Blair walked in. Wow...Liv sat up worry in her eyes "Blair?"

Blair looked at Liv and sighing he said "Skye's going just leave her with Demi."

"What do you mean?" Liv asked confused.

I said "Why? Did she choose to?"

Blair said "It wasn't a matter of choice, Maddie, it was a matter of its time. For Skye to be totally honest with her fans and the roadies."

The girls were in the kitchen still silent.

"Why are they not talking?" Rye asked worried.

Blair said "She had a meeting with this old friend of mine. And I'm guessing she's trying to work through everything,"

"Skye?" Demi said softly, "it's ok."

Silence and Skye said quietly "Nothing about this is alright Demi. You know all I wanted was a normal life, but I can't even have that, because my past is a shadow that will always be right around the corner."

"So you're facing it, and telling the world..." Demi trailed off as Skye said "And I'm going to be judged, my parents are going to be judged heck Liv may even be judged."

"We live in a judgemental world," Demi muttered, "but as long as you tell the truth, and lay yourself bare...people will see you. They'll finally see the fire in your eyes, the cracks in your heart left from an abusive childhood, and they'll realise that if they're in a similar situation...that there is hope. Because when we have nothing but hope, it can be a deadly thing. Besides, who cares what they say. Its not your fault."

Skye sighed saying nothing, Demi added "They already know everything,"

Skye laughed, but it was more of a hysterical laugh "Oh yes, of course you really think I've told them everything? I love them, I trust them but I can't give it all up. Sometimes Demi things are meant to stay a secret,"

"What are you so scared of?" Demi said quietly.

Skye chuckled and they came through, Skye went straight to the window seat and sitting down she stared out the window. Demi watched her "Skye?"

"You're right." Skye said softly.

Demi crossed her arms "About?"

"There's no cure, and I can't keep hiding, even when all I want to do is pretend it never happened. But it did. You know the last time I saw them, they wanted nothing to do with me. Even though mum had been having an affair for god knows how long. All the stories I've read," Skye said glancing at Demi, "the parents love their kids deep down. Even if they don't show it. You see it in their actions...but replaying everything. I think they stopped loving me at 9. So why did I try so hard to make them love me? If love should be given freely, kids shouldn't have to work for love."

My heart broke into thousands of pieces, listening to Skye talk about this hurt, because it was a time when she really only had Liv and Liv's family. Glancing at the others they all clearly felt the same, Demi said "You didn't know any better Skye. What others got given freely you had to work for. Did you ever get it?"

"No." Skye said softly, "I was the excuse, the one who got the blame. I wasn't wanted, but I had nowhere else to go. And I had Quinn..."

Demi went and sat with her "Skye."

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