Ch3 Couple's Therapy

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Keith enters the lounge room of the castle grumpily, followed by Lance. Their teammates are all sitting on the couch having supper.

Keith takes off his jacket, sand pouring everywhere as he does so. Then he kicks off his shoes one by one and shakes his hair.

"Pleh. Pleh." Lance spits as sand flies in his face. "What are you, a dog?"

Keith stops whipping his hair around to frown at Lance.

", where you guys been?" Shiro asks finally.

Lance strikes a surfer pose. "Surfin' the sand dunes like a boss!"

"More like tackling me down a hill." Keith says, crossing his arms.

"It's your fault for clinging onto me like a baby." Lance retorts.

"You were holding my hand!" Keith exclaims.

"I was not!" Lance denies.

"You were too!" Keith argues.

Lance butts heads with Keith. "Was not!"

Keith pushes back twice as hard. "Were too!"

Lance grabs a fistful of Keith's hair and yanks on it. Keith reacts by chomping down on Lance's arm.

Lance yelps in pain and grips his arm. "You mangy mutt!"

Keith hollers angrily and tackles Lance to the ground. The two teenagers start kicking and punching each other messily.

Pidge and Hunk sit back, sipping their juice as they watch. Shiro, on the other hand, rushes to intervene. He pulls the two boys a part and stands in between them, holding his arms out.

"Stop! Both of you, stop." Shiro commands.

Keith and Lance glare at each other from either side of Shiro.

"Honestly," Shiro says, shaking his head. "Why can't you two get along like Hunk and Pidge?"

Pidge and Hunk pause. Hunk looks back and forth between Keith and Lance as he slowly lifts a small pastry into his mouth.

"Don't bring us into this." Pidge says, holding her hands up.

"Alright." Shiro sighs. "Sit. On opposite sides of the couch."

Keith and Lance do as they are told. Hunk piles some food onto a plate and moves to the very edge of the couch with Pidge to leave room for the tense atmosphere.

"Now, what's going on?" Shiro asks, taking a seat in the middle.

"Don't ask me," Lance says. "Everything was normal until Keith lashed out."

Shiro turns to Keith gently. "Keith, are you mad about something?"

"Not particularly." Keith crosses his arms stubbornly. "Lance is the one who has a problem with me."

"You bit me!" Lance shrieks.

"Well, you started the fight." Keith replies. "You always do!"

Lance opens his mouth but Shiro cuts in.

"Clearly, both of you have problems. How about we start by talking about our feelings—"

"You're not my therapist!" Keith snaps.

"Though you could certainly use one..." Lance mumbles.

"Enough bickering!" Shiro demands, his patience thinning. "You'll start by sharing how you feel about each other."

"Idiot." Keith answers immediately.

"Ferrel." Lance retaliates.

"Okay," Shiro says. "You might be feeling negatively towards each other in this moment but how about when you first met? What were your first impressions of each other and we'll work our way up from there to when the problem started."

Soulmates - Klance fanfiction {Voltron Legendary Defenders} Lance x Keith LaithWhere stories live. Discover now