Ch5 Facade

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Voltron is preparing to leave for the next planet. Lance is currently trying to shoo a group of fangirls out of the castle.

"Lance, come have dinner with me before you leave!"

One of the girls clasps Lance's hand in her own. Lance looks down at his hand. This contact feels unfamiliar and...uncomfortable.

"Uh, sorry, girls..." Lance says as he pulls his hand free. "We should really be leaving."

The group of fans whine in disappointment.

"Out!" Keith comes striding down the hallway and shoves the girls out the door. "Kindly remove your raging hormones from the premises, please."

Lance brings his fist to his mouth to stop himself from laughing. The girls huff and turn their noses up in the air as they leave.

Keith shakes his head as he seals the castle doors. He and Lance proceed to make their way through the castle towards the main control room.

"Girls, right?" Lance chuckles.

Keith silently raises an eyebrow at him.

"I mean, it's one thing to be pathetically desperate on Earth but seriously, we've travelled the entire galaxy and I still don't have a girlfriend!" Lance complains. "I think there's definitely something wrong with me..."

"Why do you keep saying that? There seems to be plenty of candidates at your reach." Keith says, looking back towards the door uneasily.

Lance looks down at his hand. "Yeah, but...I just haven't felt that spark, you know?"

Keith thinks back to when he cradled Lance in his arms after the boy got seriously injured. Of course he always found Lance cute and fun but in that moment, with Lance's life on the line, Keith realised just how much he meant to him.

"Yeah, I understand." Keith picks up his pace so that Lance won't see him blushing.

As Keith walks in front of Lance a little, Lance looks down at Keith's hand, which is swinging gently by his side. Lance's heart skips a beat. He quickly shoves his hands in his pockets and averts his gaze.


After the castle had taken off, everyone had gone off to do their own thing. Lance decided that maybe some physical exertion would distract him from his love troubles. But once again, Lance's mind drifts to Keith. He wonders if he should ask Keith if he wants to train with him, seeing as Keith is so good at everything.

Lance's thoughts are stolen by memories of Keith's legendary piloting skills back at the Garrison, as well as his unbeatable combat and his distinguishable badass persona. Lance has always admired Keith's talents. Who would've guessed that one day he would share a crew with Keith Kogane.

Heat rises to the surface of his cheeks. Unsure as to why, Lance removes his jacket before going off to find Keith.

Lance wanders through the halls of the castle until coming across a familiar pair of voices. He shuffles along the wall and peeps his head around the corner. Keith and Allura are standing just out of earshot chatting away happily. Lance concentrates hard, trying to make sense of their mouth movements. He squints his eyes as if focusing his glare.

"What are you doing?"

Lance jumps in fright and spins round to face his teammate, Pidge. Pidge steps past Lance to look around the corner.

"Oh, spying—ah!"

Lance grabs Pidge's collar and pulls her behind the wall with him.

"Shh!" He snaps. "I'm not spying. I'm trying to eavesdrop." Lance resumes his position, eyeing Keith and Allura like a hawk. "What could they possibly be taking about? Keith is supposed to be the loner, how dare he flirt with Allura."

Soulmates - Klance fanfiction {Voltron Legendary Defenders} Lance x Keith LaithWhere stories live. Discover now