Ch33 Voltron's Vacation

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I thought you guys deserved a break from all the stress and I want a break from writing so dramatically but we aren't the only ones, our poor little babies deserve a break too. So Voltron is having a little vacation and we're going to be relaxing with them, just enjoying some light comedy and fluffy feelings.

Pls vote if you enjoy :)



Lance gulps nervously, a deep blush across his cheeks. Their mangled bodies are so close that he can feel Keith's breathing, hear his pounding heart, smell his sweat...

"It's getting pretty hot in here, huh?" Lance puffs. "I'm kinda tired."

"No breaks. I'm not here to fuck around." Keith says bluntly.

Pidge snickers. "Or else you'd be in Lance's bedroom."

"Just hurry up, Lance." Hunk complains.

"Funny, usually he's being told that he finishes too fast." Pidge mocks.

"Shut up!" Lance snaps, his legs wobbling. "You're distracting me!"

Lance pokes out his tongue in concentration as he slowly reaches a leg over Keith's torso, his toes barely touching the large, red dot painted on the floor. Coran presses a button on the device that Pidge had created to generate randomized moves.

"Pidge, right hand red." He announces.

"Bet Lance wishes he could put a hand on red." Pidge mutters as she slips a hand under Hunk to reach the red dot.

Lance shudders with embarrassment, his body about ready to give way.

"Pidge, teasing your opponents is unsportsmanlike." Hunk says.

"Does twister really count as a sport?" Keith asks dully.

"Hunk, left foot yellow." Coran speaks up.

Hunk moves his body to touch a yellow dot, bringing his face awfully close to Keith's backside. Pidge opens her mouth but immediately gets cut off by Lance.

"Save your smartass comment, Pidge!"

Pidge laughs. "A smart ass comment, get it?"

"You know, maybe you're not mature enough to handle something as intimate as twister. Maybe you should go back to playing hide and seek." Hunk says.

"How else am I supposed to beat someone as long and spindly as Lance? In hide and seek, being small is my advantage but in twister I can barely reach anything. Fortunately for me, Lance is easily distracted. See, it's all about evaluating your opponent." Pidge explains.

"We're playing twister." Keith retorts.

"And I will win!" Pidge declares menacingly.

"Keith, left hand green."

Keith stretches his arm across the floor just to put his hand in a purposely problematic place for Pidge.

"You fool, you'll cause us both to collapse." Pidge says dramatically.

"We both know I'm not going to make it to the end anyway," Keith replies just as intensely. "I'd gladly sacrifice myself for the sake of my friends."

"Curses. Your idiotic selflessness exceeds my calculations." Pidge says. "How about we make a deal? Join me!"

"Never!" Keith declines strongly, though his arms are beginning to tremble.

"How noble of you, too bad you'll fall before it gets to my turn." Pidge sneers.

Soulmates - Klance fanfiction {Voltron Legendary Defenders} Lance x Keith LaithWhere stories live. Discover now