Leigh Anne Pinnock.🖤

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You got hired on as Little Mix's new assistant and for some reason you and Leigh haven't been getting along.

"Ugh! Y/N are you trying to kill me? I asked for something to drink hours ago!" Leigh Anne whined rather loudly as to grab your attention away from the other girls

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"Ugh! Y/N are you trying to kill me? I asked for something to drink hours ago!" Leigh Anne whined rather loudly as to grab your attention away from the other girls.

"Lovely there's a bottle water right there, drink it." Perrie laughed and gave you an apologetic look "Sorry she's a bit of a diva."

"Oh no it's fine, she's just making sure I do my job." You blushed at Perrie and looked over at Leigh Anne who was busy screwing up her face into an unpleasant expression before sipping the water.

You made your way into the kitchen area to find something to snack on since you were finally allowed a break; the girls were nice and never too fussy well besides Leigh who seemed like she always needed you yet never wanted you around. Picking up a bag of chips from the table you suddenly felt another presence in the room, looking over your shoulder you noticed the silhouette of the girl who seemed to hate you.

"Oh hey leigh, did you need something?"

Leigh raised an eyebrow before closing the gap between the two of you "You know I only give you a hard time because I like you, right?"

"You do?"

Leigh gave you a soft smile before leaning in now invading your personal space "Oh, yes. And I always play hard to get." The words fell off her lips just in time to come into contact with yours, surprising her she soon copied your actions; wrapping her arms around your neck and letting her tongue fight for dominance of yours.

Pulling her closer you squeezed her hips slightly before reaching around to grab her perky ass before leaning back and watching her dumbfounded gaze.

"If you like to play hard to get you should know that I invented that game now if you'll excuse me I'm sure the other girls need me a bit more than you." Setting the bag of chips on the table you gave one last glance at the girl who was now staring a hole into your head as you walked out of the kitchen area.

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